


Anyone know where I can buy a safe- no smaller than two feet high and about the same width?

be weary vanilla...our office was just broken into before xmas and the thieves cut through the safe with an angle was amazing how easily they manages it. They cut a square hole right in the middle of the safe. It was like taking candy from a child. they also broke into 6 other premises on the same road that night and cut through most of their safes too....and even took one ground safe away with them to open later!!

So try not to keep anything too valuable in the safe. it will stop a petty thief but not a real pro.
What I really need is a big old safe- storage capacity is the key, and being in Kerry, would prefer to get one close by as I assume it would be rather heavy. I need it for storing title deeds and wills- nothing valuable to a thief.
Remember being with a solicitor who had a safe for deeds etc, it was positioned oddly, so i asked him why it was where it was (1st floor office), it had to balance on the supporting wall of teh building otherwise it would slip though the floor. He found it in a scrapyard years ago, got it in to the office with a craine through the window!