Rules around mortgage refusal.


Registered User
I've been researching for the past few days and have found nothing about this. Is there a law/rule with banks that if you are refused a mortgage amount you can only reapply to banks a few other times before it impacts your credit rating. I can remember hearing that on the radio a few years ago but haven't heard anything recently. Does anyone know anything about this?
No. You're credit rating is impacted when you miss repayments. Not when you apply for loans.

Every time a credit check us performed, it leaves a 'footprint' on your record. This just says "Bank A checked your records". The next bank that checks your record can see this.
Not necessarily true, simply having banks checking CCR can cause issues. For example, if you're a company director a supplier (commonly in UK or Norway) may perform credit check on director(s) as part of theie due diligence. There are instances of companies having credit terms reduced as a broker had fired mortgage application to several banks.