RTE Saturday Night Show-guest Donal Walsh


Registered User
Hi all,

I've been moved to write this post, having just watched sixteen yr old Donal, talking about his battle with cancer over the past 5 years and his recent terminal diagnosis. He spoke so courageously about how he dealt with everything that has been thrown at him upto now.

His total appreciation for life, enjoying every new day that dawns with his family and friends is remarkable despite facing death.

He also highlighted the personal hurt he feels regarding young people and suicide. Very tough on everyone around him in the circumstances, but his positive outlook and concern for others really inspiring.

The reason I'm annoyed and saddened, is when he explained about the conditions in Crumlin Children's Hospital.
He described having only one bathroom on the cancer ward to be shared by 18 children. Two patients, their parents and medical equipment sharing a small room, originally meant for one patient back in the 1970s.

As the debate often arises on AAM - whether private health insurance is really necessary for children or not.
The answer usually, is that basic cover is enough as there are no private children's hospitals in Ireland.
I am personally ashamed to say that the above paragraph actually describes the facilities on offer for the most seriously ill children in the country.

On a positive note, despite the dreadful cramped conditions, the staff, as always, are second to none.
Crumlin Hospital are renovating and upgrading these wards, as its too long to wait for the new hospital in St James to be built, they are currently fundraising to complete the job.

Donal modestly said that 50,000euro has been donated in his name by ordinary people.

As its better to light a candle than curse the dark, I just thought wouldn't it be such a wonderful achievement and tribute,
if they reached their target through donations, as a result of Donal's brave appearance on the Saturday Night Show.

'You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.' quote John Lennon.


I didn't see the show. However, Snowyb's post says it all. I am short for words.
Watched the interview with that young guy. His courage in dealing with all that he has endured, the original diagnosis, the treatments etc ,and now with a diagnosis of terminal cancer, is truly extraordinary, in my opinion.
What a fabulous, inspirational young man. So sorry to hear he passed away and hope his message reached and touched some young people.