Roseberry Hill Newbridge

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Some more details re: TV/Internet in Roseberry if anyone's interested.


e-nvi are currently offering their basic 20 channel TV lineup for free while they're sorting out the advanced channel lineup it seems. They need to get into your attic though to do some rewiring though as for some reason it can't be done from the wall box. e-nvi website being updated too apparently.

Chorus (and there's some conflicting reports depending on who you talk to) either have no reception in the entire estate, or can serve everybody apart from houses 1-20 because of 'trees in the way'. Hmmm. Can anybody clarify this a little more? Chorus customer service reckons Sky is your only other option.

Internet & Phone:

e-nvi rollout for both not for another 8 weeks it seems...

Hope that's of interest to some.
Incase if someone interested in SKY ...It is possible to subscribe SKY eventhough there is no Telephone connection at home. You have to pay extra 39 Eu for that. Many people in their department do not aware of this so you have to specifically tell them that there is an option available.

That's Techy for letting us know that information. We were interested in getting Sky because of the multi-room options but were put off the fact that you needed a land line. Don't fancy waiting a while for e-nvi to up to date with their packages!!

I presume that is a once-off payment or at the worst once a year scenario?
regedit2 said:
I presume that is a once-off
payment or at the worst once a year scenario?

Yes. it is a once-off payment to set you up with SKY.

There is a good progress on Envi Broadband as they have been doing the broadband cabling for the last 2 days. They are estimating that it would be ready within couple of weeks.
techy said:
Yes. it is a once-off payment to set you up with SKY.

There is a good progress on Envi Broadband as they have been doing the broadband cabling for the last 2 days. They are estimating that it would be ready within couple of weeks.

if you are already living in RH, could you please check with e-nvi how much do they plan to charge for the 8 MB service. Someone here mentioned that one can avail of it as well.
BTW, is work progressing well on site. Planning to drive down on Saturday to try and get a glimpse of our house which is being built!
Just visited Roseberry Hill this morning.
I must say that quite a lot seems to have been done in the past month or even less.
There seem to be just a few houses to be finished (among them our one) or at least that is the impression I got. We drove around the estate and judging by the houses, curtains and cars, it seems that quite a a few houses are occupied. I just hope they will leave sufficient green areas for the children. The wall around the estate should look great when completed. As well as being a physical deterrent to any evil-minded person, it will probably reduce the noise emissions.
The road toward Sexess road will be open (judging by the people living in Newbridge) in July!
A few questions:
  1. Does anyone know where the crèche and shop will be erected,
  2. Any progress with Eircom or any fixed line phone operator,
  3. Does anyone k now how long best and worse case scenario) should it take the builders to complete a house once the frame is up? Is it true that it takes about 3 months?
I hope we keep this thread alive as we can share a lot of information. I was thinking and actually hoping that once we are all in the estate, once all the houses are completed that it might be a good idea if we get someone who knows more about IT and web site development to create our own local web site with a forum similar to this one.
Hey all
We visited the site last Saturday and I was a little disappointed when we seen our house. The last time we went down was the middle of April and we managed to look through the sitting room window. When we visited last Saturday, it appeared to be the same as in nothing new had been done. Also we thought that our sitting room was a little smaller than what we had been shown in the showhouse at the time of putting our deposit down. We took meausrements of the showhouse but as the estate agents/builders will not supply us with measurements of our rooms, we have nothing to compare them to. I am hoping that when the time comes to move in that all will be ok. We are one of the last houses to be completed so hopefully it will be when they say, August.
We were told August (for snagging) as well.
However, if you can peak through the windows into the interior and we do not even have anything else but an unfinished wooden frame, it is extremely highly unlikely that it will be finished before September, October, November...
It amazes me how these people can give dates (false promises and lies) to people who at this stage are almost desperate!
I would be happier if I was contacted and (honestly) told that the reason for the delay is this and this and that the house would definitively be completed by ... 2006.
We had MB1 here stating that he or they endeavor to reply to every question and here we are concerned with our lodgings and he/they do not seem to give a **it about what is happening to us.

So much about "satisfaction guaranteed", "fair treatment" etc.
Shop etc will be erected near where the final houses in the back right hand corner of the site are. I think that these facilities will be included in the phase II, ie the next field behind!

There does appear to be a lot of work done in the estate but I really feel that given the extensive delays we have all head to put up with , that a spectacular boundary wall as erected should be the very bottom on the builders list of priorites.

We are still WAITING & WAITING for our house that was mwant to be finished in January. Now looks like August or later as the house directly next to ours ahs only just been started. Even more frustrating that we now are waiting on neighbour house to be built while ours waits for us to move in !!!!
Hello All
If anyone has moved into a 3b Sycamore home, would you be so kind to give me the dimensions of the rooms if you have them handy. We haven't moved in yet but when we measured the showhouse of the 3B extended and then seen the sitting room in our house, our sitting room looked a little smaller. Don't worry, I won't hold to the measurements!!!! You can send them via the discussion board or pm them to me.
Thanks in advance
EIRCOM alternative:

Hi Folks, if like me you cannot afford to wait on Eircom to install a telephone line for you at their earliest convenience (projected date January 2007), there is an alternative:

I have got broadband with Clearwire (1mb connection is 29.99 per month, 2mb connection is 29.99 for 1st six months then 49.99 thereafter). Clearwire is wireless so no need for Eircom landline (which means you will save on line rental). The staff at Clearwire were easy to deal with and there is a very quick turn around time on getting set up. That sorts the broadband end of things.

Phone: Once your broadband connection is in place you can then use Blueface or Skype to get a voice over IP service (VoIP). You will get a piece of hardware to which you plug in your normal analogue phones, you will be assigned a telephone number etc and can make and receive calls.

The two of these combined is considerably cheaper than using Eircom for phone and broadband on a monthly basis. And there is the added bonus of not having to wait til next year to get up and running.

Hi Baloo, I do have blueface at the moment and waiting for E-nvi. But it looks like they have some licence issues to start the service sooner. Anyway I have tried to take the Broadband connection from Clearwire but Roseberry hill is out of their coverage. So you might be lucky to get this but your neighbour may not be.
Just wanted to ask the ones already living in the 3B Sycamore what type of extractor hood did they get.
We were told that it would be stainless steel and glass, just as in the showhouse but t that heard that someone got the really ugly steel one!
Could someone comment on this.
Wife says she would rather give the kitchen fitters something extra to get a proper extractor than to be given the option of the steel.

I've bought a house from Millbank in Duleek Co. Meath & I'm sure we all know Fergus & Tom very well by now We had & are still having major issues with the developer espically with sewrage/boundaries/green areas/lighting/roads & the list goes on & on They are full of promises that just never get resolved 2 years later we still have only 4 street lights boundaries were incomplete and an external "wall" turned into a fence 1/2 way up the main road "walled" gardens had fences erected no boundaries between ajoining fields "temporary" sewarage facilities and managment fees for phase 2 that were forced on some buyers and not on others roads are incomplete This is the worst Phase one consisted of traditional block built houses with the usual delays 6-8 months..phase 2 which was described as "as seen in 1st Phase" turned out to be wooden frame smaller sites and the houses look like they belong in a totally different development!!!! And then there is the crazy prices for what is substandard workmanship Boilers failed on 40 houses within 12 months



Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
The problem we have here is that Mr. Fergus will NOT respond to any queries or critics.
On the first page of this discussion forum he said that they endeavor to reply to every query but we can see not, that is not the story. Sometimes, it is easier to say that he does not have time right now or something else that makes common sense. By being quiet, he is letting us know that we are not so important and that hey can play around with us as they like it!
We had to get our solicitors involved for a minor thing as the Fridge Freezer as the builder's solicitors kept saying that we would not avail of it (even though the contract was signed on the 21st day). Finally we got confirmation that everything is OK.
I will certainly not keep quiet about any issues in the house once we move in(currently the roof is just up and we were promised snagging in August!).
If the ignorance continues, I will not hesitate to involve the media. Good/bad press can really help/damage ones business and reputation!
Was anyone else offered an appliance as an incentive to sign within 21 days? We were told of same NUMEROUS times by the sales agents and now the builders solicitors are saying that it was only offered those who signed in June & July ( We got contracts end of August, signed & returned early September- 10days after receipt)

We were told by sales agents in show house the week before we paid our booking deposit in August. Anyone in a similar situation ?

We signed in august, gave the deposit in July and we ASKED ourselves if we could avail of the fridge freezer offer. Were told yes (if we signed within 21 day) and no... and finaly got our solicitor involved. It took him a few days but at the end, she confirmed that we were getting the fridge freezer.
Can anyone who has moved in and had their American style fridge installed, let me know if they had to get plumbing installed to provide water to the ice maker or is it already in place?
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