Rome Rule



It was very sad to hear of the Pope's death last night. However the resulting TV biographies about him uncovered some interesting facts. Did you know that he was the first non-Italian pope in over 400 years ? Also there are 112 cardinals that can vote for a new pope. As a rule, 20 of these are Italian. Half of the world's catholics live in Latin America yet they only get 20 cardinals for this voting panel. I know historically Rome has been the centre of the Catholic church but my question is why Italy is still so dominant ? Whats the betting that the next pope is Italian ?
I was interested to note that of the College of Cardinals who will elect the next Pope, all but 3 had been appointed by JP2. I guess we can expect to see the replacement being of the same conservative style.
Everywhere i read is giving different numbers of qualifying cardinals. I have now seen the range 112 to 117. it is any cardinal under the age of 80 the day the pope dies as I understand it. How hard can it be for a hournalist to count that!

Actually, being reading up the whole rules of the election online. Fascinating. For example, any baptised catholic male is eligible to be elected pope. Pretty unlikelt, but its possible.
The pope is declared dead after he is tapped on the head three times with a silver mallet and his birthname called out to answer means he is dead. there is never an autopsy carried out.
When he dies his papel seal and his fishermans ring are destroyed. Everyone who has an important job in the Vatican loses their job except three main guys to allow the election.
One major rule change this time is that after 30 votes, the requirement for a 2/3 majority drops to 1/2 + 1. This essentially means that if one guy is getting hjust over half but can't reach the 2/3, as long as he holds his support he will win. Before this change, that state could go on and on so that eventually the support would all shift to a comprimise...
Re: Kyoto Protocol

Traditionally the process of electing a new Pope was an exercise in ecological vandalism as countless black smoke was emitted until at last some white smoke emerged.

Did the Vatican sign up for Kyoto and if so does that mean a more modern and less destructive means of communication will be employed.
Re: Kyoto Protocol

(I assume you are actually joking
Re: Kyoto Protocol

jem said:
(I assume you are actually joking

Well to make the black smoke they burn hay right...and when hay grows as grass it absorbs CO2. So in fairness, thats not so bad!!!
It's been a bad week for the Vatican. Besides the main event, the Bhoys lost 2-0 on Saturday and now those murdering scumbags beat Juve 2-1.
Also he was the only pope to come here to Ireland a disgrace is all I can say, bertie is a west Brit
He objected to "unbridled capitalism" but what did he really do about it?

First Communion = perms, sunbeds/fake tan, professional photographers, limos, frock (style and colour must be "in"), hotel meals and lots of money from relations/friends.

Confirmation = more of the above.

Travelling to church = get as close to the church as possible for maximum exposure in the 4x4 and ruin Creation in the process.

Personal attire = Up-to-the-minute designer labels made in some sweatshop in the Far East by a child earning less than a dollar a day.

We need more than words next time round.
The Pope's message in 1979 to the people of Nothern Ireland was to give up violence. Unfortunately he included in that appeal what he referred to as "State violence". To the IRA this was a total endorsement of their stance - they were rebelling against an oppressive State.

Whilst the Pope was probably only parroting that most supportive of IRA clerics, O'Fiach, nonetheless he must take some of the blame for a further 17 years of wanton violence from republicans.
Geegee, I think that has more to do with the parents than the Pope. I am not aware of the papal encyclical setting out the dress code for girls making their first communion. I have heard of priests giving out to parents about wasting money and turning a sacrament into a fashion parade.
Harchibalds comments stretch the logic processes a bit as well.
Personally I think he was a great man but probably not a great Pope. I admired him without agreeing with a lot of what he said.

He was the boss and it was well within his jurisdiction to make it plain that the sacraments were being detracted from by the fashion show that it now is. This would have been far more effective than individual priests proffering their opinion on an adhoc basis.
Hi Geegee,
20% of Roman Catholics live in sub-Saharan Africa, 40% live in Latin America, less than 40% live in Europe. I don't know if this is a global issue but I suspect that it isn't. I do agree with your point that it is a fashion show but I think that the local Bishops should deal with the issue.
Re: Smoke Signals

Apparently they are using chemicals to colour the smoke but the messages are very confused - white to begin with, then darkening.

America missed a chance here - they could have donated a big screen and not only made friends with the Vatican (still peeved about Iraq) but also won over some Kyoto freaks but most of all eliminated confusion from the waiting crowds.