
All fair points. It is the nature of things that the last man to screw up gets most of the criticism. Moyne is also deserving of a good deal of flak.

and don't forget Vickery. Also one person who deserves a mention is McGeecham, what was the thinking behind having an OH and a winger @ centres aginst the world champions?
Criticising him for this mistake is not begrudgery or forgetting all he has done on other days, it's simply dealing with the facts. Professional sport is ruthless, you're only as good as your last game

yes,I agree, but most O Gara bashers don't criticise him in a constructive manner, it's "his ****e" "never was any good" "speedbump" etc. Condemning his whole career for a lack of form or mistakes is silly.
It was the same with O'Driscoll last year and at the start of this season about how he shouldn't captain Ireland etc etc. Yet he has come back and slilenced all doubters and proved that he is one of the finest rugby players this Country or any other Country has produced. O'Gara might not be in the same league but he is still a class act and will come back from this. As a Leinster supporter, I would love if Sexton was in position to challenge but the guy still has a long way to go. O'Gara is still the best by a country mile and for people to say we won the Grand Slam despite ROG shows what a sad little nation we can be sometimes.

Professional sport is ruthless, but fans are meant to be loyal.
You can be loyal but still criticise players on their bad days.

Of course but then keep it to the bad day and don't use it as a chance to produce a back catalogue of 'priors' (not aimed at you). It's subjective of course and I have generally given guys the benefit of the doubt on bad days as I can't help but feel sorry for anyone that messes up. We've all been there.
I guess it depends on ones outlook.

Yep and yours is red tinted!! I don't really give a toss if he is from munster/Ireland etc He Fecked up - someone mentioned above it was a fast game he was only on a few minutes!! he got up off the ground from missing another tackle on Spies. He is a pro rugby player nearly 10 years yet his defence is still woeful - this is down to technique- there are plenty of smaller players who could tackle- look at George Gregan over the years. If someone on my team including myself gave away that stupid 2nd penalty then yes they would get critcised- even people who only have a passing interest rugby (is that you Mr man) know you do not touch anyone in the air!!!

First test I blame Vickery plus coaching staff for not taking him off earlier, Moyne should have finished the 2nd chance as well.
They are professional athletes this is their job, is a builder/estate agent does a half This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language job for you - I guess you would not complain anyway. Maybe Munsterfans or the Leinsterfans websites are for you- where their rep players can simply do no wrong
I see ROG has been dropped from the squad for the 3rd test so his contributions to 3 lions tours has been to get beaten up and lose us a test a series

I don't have a fanatical interest in rugby, but I enjoy watching it. i do enjoy watching munster as I have been to some games but I wouldn't consider myself a diehard munster supporter. Your comment regarding my supposed passing interest in the game is one that seems to pop up from time to time when people try to fob off the arguments of another poster. It's not in the least bit relevant just like 'have you ever played the game'. I have played many sports and seasoned players would often display a real lack of understanding in their sport so its another mute point.

They are professional athletes, but you cannot simply compare them to builders or other professions. I forgive players making mistakes because that makes sport so great, if players were faultless there would be no drama. John Leahy missed an easy chance to score a goal against Clare in '97 and fluffed it, but I would never say he lost us an All Ireland. Roberto Baggio missed a penalty (strikers should not miss from the spot) in the world cup final defeat, but I only felt sorry for him, Ivan Lendl time and time again faultered at Wimbeldon when it looked like he could/should progress and I just wanted him to come back and try again. Many different sports and no red tinted specs, like I said its different outlooks, you see professional athletes that need to do their job, I see the sport and enjoy the feeling that anything can happen.

Well put MrMan.

I'm not even really into any sport at all but I love snooker and your above points are exactly why I love(d) Alex Higgins.

On many occasions, he was as likely to be ill disciplined, reckless and plain amateurish as he was of producing outlandish jawdropping pots and positional play.