Road incident - advice needed


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Had a bit of an incident on the M50 yesterday. I overtake a car and then am stuck right behind a slow moving tow truck in the fast lane and a car in the left lane. As I’m waiting for an opportunity to move back into left lane a blue van behind me comes within 4 feet of the back of my car and eventually backs off. I get into left lane, the tow truck is now a good bit ahead (he must have sped up a bit) still chugging along in fast lane. I’m coming up behind a slow black micra doing about 70ks and so want to overtake. Check my mirrors and shoulder and am pretty sure I am clear to get in ahead of the blue van which had not overtaken me but had stayed in overtaking lane. I indicate and pull out and as I am moving across I am 100% convinced that the blue van actually accelerated. I cannot go back into left lane at this stage as I will hit the black micra, blue van is beeping but most definitely did not slow down. I make it in in front of him and take my foot of the accelerator and then ease onto the breaks – if I am getting hit I don’t want it to be at top speed. I hit my panic lights and blue van eventually backs off.

I take the next exit about 4 minutes later and am in a tailback in the left lane in the off ramp coming up to the roundabout. Suddenly the door of my car is flung open and there is this very aggressive eastern European guy shouting abuse at me in broken English. I am in total shock and feeling pretty vulnerable with this fella having me cornered. I look back and can see his van is parked 15 yards behind mine and there is a grey car which cant get passed his van as his door is open. He’s shouting at me and threatening me so I let a roar at him to get away from my car and tell him to call the cops if he has a problem but is not entitled to attack me in this manner, he keeps shouting and tell him I am calling the police, he then screams something at me and shapes up and throws a dummy punch which I kind of flinch from and pick up my phone. He runs back to his van. I actually ended up hitting the wrong number but it would have looked like I was calling the police. Grey car and then his van overtake me in right lane and grey car driver gets out and talks to van driver and hands him a piece of paper. Grey car passenger is staring at me and shaking her head – all this leads me to think grey car driver and passenger felt it was all my fault. I was fairly shook up about the whole thing and drove off without redialling to get the gardai.

It is possible that I may have been in the wrong on the M50, though I think his actions compounded the danger, but the guy was totally out of line to attack me like that. Assault is not only the act of hitting someone it also includes the act of making them feel like they are about to be hit and he surely did that. His fingerprints will be on my car door and handle and I will threaten to press charges for assault if I hear anymore about it.

If he called the gardai himself what would happen – can I expect to be contacted by the gardai and if so what could happen?
It sounds like he was trying to bully you when you went to move into the outside lane in front of him, he came right up behind you and when you got out of his way he still didnt overtake (and he could have easily as he wasn't doing 120Kmp limit)? Ok you cut him up with but a flash of the lights and a gesture of 'sorry' might have eased tensions but he probably saw you slowing down as a threat (I've seen this done before and it can be seen as a gesture of defiance to the person behind).

Anyway, I would be inclined to report it first as you say you felt threatened. His behavior was not warranted, he could have had a chat with you, you could have said, 'sorry about that, didnt see you, must have been in my blind spot'. Or he may have been looking for a fight as he came close on your first encounter with him......

I don't expect you would hear much about from now on. you can get those small convex mirrors that attach to the drivers mirror which eliminates the blind spot.
I guess the person in the grey car was giving the van driver her details in case he wanted a witness? It would be their word against yours (unless they have camera footage), but unless you were being reckless/dangerous, what action could the Gardai take (will this guy from Eastern Europe actually report you and for what???).

Plenty of people who use the M50 have no clue as to how to use a motorway, I have seen too many close shaves on this road. I'm not casting blame on you or the van driver, I'm just making an observation in general.

For the guy to open your door and throw a punch, that wasn't on. I always have my doors locked (CL anyway, so it's generally automatic). This is grounds for a complaint to the Gardai, so it would be best to do it sooner rather then later, in case the other guy gets to them first.
I'm thinking those from the continent are very impatient drivers...

I was a witness to a roadrage incident a couple of years ago...
This guy (who was Polish), in a delivery van, abused a female driver in a manner similar to yours - but he couldn't get the door open cos it was locked. I was so shocked by the incident I rang the Gardai as soon as I got home and reported it. I noted the name of the courier company he was driving for, and managed to get a bit of his number plate. Anyways, the female driver also reported the incident to the Garda... apparently what I saw wasn't the last of the abuse. This guy tailgated the poor girl for miles...actually touching her bumper... he was being so agressive, and following her everywhere that she didn't dare go home... eventually the guy gave up.

Anyway, the Garda actually managed to track the guy down and he went to court - of which I was called as a witness. He was found guilty, licence revoked (there goes his courier job), and fined. He also had to cover legal & witness expenses.

This is a serious matter... If someone actually tries to intimidate you be it words or physically that IS an offence. Road rage is something the Garda actually take very seriously. In your state of shock did you manage to see the guys number plate as he overtook you? Or the other car's number plate?

I actually said to myself 'get his reg as he drives by' but was busy trying to dial the phone and generally thrown off kelter so didnt get it - 99D thats all i remember. weird cos I'd usually be fairly calm in those situations but I was just taken aback by the whole thing and then got to thinking that I was the one gonna be in trouble because of the grey car driver and passengers behaviour - fair enough they might feel I was in the wrong on the M50 but how could they remain sympathetic to the guy after he did what he did? If I was in the wrong then it was because I made a mistake, what he did was a few minutes later and is unforgiveable.

Car doesnt have central locking and I leave it unlocked while driving for safety to ensure I can get out of it in an emergency. He didn't actually throw the punch to land it as he pulled out halfway but it was clear what he was trying to do.

As the witness will be on his side I'm not going to the gardai about it and I'd be happy if it all just blows over and I don't hear about it again.
IF he does go to the Gardai, it would look better for you if you had reported the incident first.
I second that. Go to the Garda... You have nothing to hide - you may have made a mistake... but that sort of a response from a person is totally unacceptable.

Firstly - If I'm not too late - DO NOT GO TO THE GARDAI - the can ask for a statement and this can be used against you in court.

Secondly - and you probably wont want to hear this but you were wrong, wrong and wrong on the M50. You knew you were taking the next exit so why the overtaking, you should have seen the slow moving truck on the overtaking lane and avoided going into this lane, while on the overtaking lane you notice a blue van behind you, you revert to the left lane and then come up behind a slow moving Micra, you want to overtake again and check your mirrors - see nothing? But where did you think the blue van went???????? As you cross from one lane to the other you realise that the blue van is in fact being hindered by you manoeuvre, you left is so late to overtake that it is now dangerous to abort the manoeuvre, as you may hit the Micra. This in fact meant that you were a danger to both lanes of traffic.

Thirdly – The other driver shouldn’t have threatened you like he did but I can see reason why he might feel angry – after all he may have felt his life was in danger by some of your driving.

Sorry is this upsets you!
Slightly OT but how is it always Micra drivers that are trundling along, be it on Motorways or other roads?? I have noticed so many times that it beggars belief. Is there some sort of limiter in the car (or the drivers brain) that won't allow them to move on??
This morning 10 am on the M4. Got hit by an 8 X 4 sheet of plywood. I ended up in hard shoulder and plywood smashed to smithereens.

Guy was about half a K back. It had blown from the roof of his van moments earlier and then a wind from a truck lifted it as I approached.

I have a cracked windscreen and damaged paintwork. My van is wedge shaped at front, and that engineering definately saved my life.

I never reported him (still shaking) and I'm sorry now.

He had it tied down with clothes line. I'm still fuming when I think about it, as I know that the dynamics of a car would have tilted it when hit, and sent it through the windscreen like a blade.
Lucky SineWave. Last saturday approaching the toll bridge on the boyne the lady in front of me put coins into the basket and drove forward, but barrier didnt lift. I saw this and hadnt moved forward so she reversed to the machine and searched for a rejected coin and must have found it. tried again and again no joy. Started examining the coin ( ????) but by now a white 92d car ( think toyota corolla) was behind me and started tooting and blowing horn. Lady again puts in coin and again no joy. tries again and this time barrier raises, but by now the guys in the car behind me are out and advancing on the car in front. Latvian or Lithuanian I would guess and pretty pissed off they were to. Anyway back into the car they go but two seconds later they are burning rubber as they screech away from toll gate. No patience.
Another question - what exactly is the rule for going into bus lane to undertake someone stopped to turn right. I did this this am, in a spot where people to it regularly every morning but this am at the next traffic lights the bus driver waved at me to open my window, which I did & he informed me that he had a camera in the front of his bus and if I kept driving that wat he would report me to the Gardai. I was quite surprised at this, I had indicated in good time as the road ahead in both bus lane and traffic lane was empty (Bank hol weekend, no traffic) and the bus was plenty behind for me to see him in full in my rear view mirror before I overtook (as recommended by the Advanced Motorists Assoc). Now technically I entered his bus lane, is that his only problem? Is it etiquetter vs rule of law. Should I sit behind someone indicating and not enter bus lane ever?

I would guess that the rule is similar to not crossing the central unbroken white line in a road - you are not supposed to do this but can do so to get around an obstruction.

A bus turning right (taking a long time due to traffic) sounds like an obstruction to me.

Of course the Gardaí may not view it this way.
The bus wasn't the obstruction - it was a car turning - the bus was approaching in his bus lane ( at a distance mind you) But yes - I was crossing a solid white line to avoid an obstruction on an otherwise pretty-damn-quiet-for-rush-hour road.
So, any gardai read this website? Are you allowed enter the bus lane briefly in such circumstances?
I would have told the bus driver to cop on.

According to the road traffic act you are perfectly entitled to overtake on the left of a car turning right. It's not as if you moved into the bus lane to drive in!

People are stupid.

soc said:
According to the road traffic act you are perfectly entitled to overtake on the left of a car turning right. It's not as if you moved into the bus lane to drive in!
I'd bet that you are actually breaching the letter of the law in the circumstances described (though I'm not an expert on this).