Rising Damp fix it costs



Have a little problem with rising damp, little in that the area concerned is about 10 x 5 feet. The quotes I have been getting seem exhorbitant. The injection of the damp proof course seems reasonable at 6-700 but the associated building work which is basically knocking off the plaster/tiles up to 3 feet and replastering after damp proof treatment seems to be in the region of 3,000. This does include putting back the toilet and handbasin, taking out an old shower tray and plastering an associated wall which is about 10 x 4 feet. The amount of labour and material costs seem hard to equate with these prices. Any advice? maybe on how to contact the Ukranians mentioned in another item.
Thanks in advance
Crikey !

E.C., sound like you have got your self a mini version of my house.

Not so sure that 3K is so high

Building workers get paid a lot these days, removal of old stuff isnt cheap any more and getting a plasterer to turn up to do a small job is...is....is well, hardly ever happens

More at issue is what they will do & do they know what the are doing - will they standover the work if it goes wrong ? or will they ride away into the sunset never to be seen again ?

Get an established builder and get him to organise the damp proof treatment so that he is responsible for the finished job.

Is VAT included in the 3k ?

The price for the treatment of your wall seems good,but the additional work is expensive.Are you sure the plaster needs removal? Once the injection has been done the wall should dry out by it self since there is no further rising damp and therefore only loose material would need to be replaced-if the injection works.Let your builder do the injection and wait at least for a month to see if there is still a problem.You can all ways come back to him if it didn't work,once it has been replastered and tiled -and you find out that the injection has not worked-
that would be expensive,twice the job!
And once the wall is dry check it out under sever conditions:hold the water hose for half an hour against it and then decide if the job had been done well or not.
Thank you both for your comments. So my next question is can anyone out there recommend a decent reliable contractor who is interested in small jobs.

In trying to follow the good practice of getting three quotes in writing I have had no results as yet. The two companies who came out to assess the work have not replied to me despite a phonecall to remind them. The third company did not get back to me to arrange to see the job. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks again in advance.
Me again. Would anyone have any experience of the lectros osmosis system of damp proofing. Now have to decide between this method and the injection system. The injection system is guaranteed for 20 years but I wonder how long does it really last? All advice welcome. Thanks in advance.
I've seen electro osmosis used in a couple of buildings that also had tanked walls. Its for those who want to be sure to be sure. Cant remember ever seeing it used alone....which doesnt really help you....sorry