Rip Off Ireland - Reviews

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Rip Off Republic - Reviews

So what did you all think of the program & Eddie? I felt it was highly simplistic but that was part of the beauty of the program. The set looked a bit RTE cardboard 70's style but I couldn't fault Eddies ability to talk without pauses or em's , in fact 'ah's etc etc. Over all I was very impressed. Some nice comic moments thrown in such as sending a nappy to Michael Matin or the local in Trim who observed her local councillor shoppping in Lidl (same man had originally objected to one in Trim!).
The irony of of a state body such as RTE showing the program was not lost on me
One question, has Eddie had a dye job done on his hair ??

Would be great to hear what you all think..
Good morning Debasser

You bet me to it, myself and the missus watched it last night and were well impressed! As you say it could be quite simplistic in it's style but it had pace and maybe the message needs to be simply put, i.e. there's a string of vested interests who have a lot of political clout in consumer issues. I like Eddie's presenting style, he's a change from the usual gushing Caroline Morahan type RTE protege (Miriam O'Callaghan) but the format makes him look a little "teachery", but maybe that's intentional! Overall I think he covered a lot of ground for the first episode and all with a good dash of humour, I look forward to the next installment........
Any one posted a nappy yet?

A bit of a stunt, and I think Eddie might be going out on a limb here (don't under estimate the apathy of the Irish consumer!), but I think it's a brave move and I'm a big fan. Don't always agree with what he says or how he says it, but from where I'm sitting he's the only one giving the irish consumer a voice. I reckon it will take at least 100,000 nappies to start making newspaper front pages/editorials...
What's the address for Micheal again? I'm going to send him one of Lidl's best!
Deffo posting a nappy. Least I can do. No point in complaining otherwise.
Viva la revolution.
Speaking of vested interests, I wonder if Eddie has shares in Huggies or Pampers?
Is this the address?

Minister Michael Martin, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment, 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Hi All

Can someone explain the deal with the nappy? I only caught parts of the show and came back to it at the end when the address for MM was on the screen? What's the story?
Minister Micheal Martin
Dept Enterprise,Trade & Employment
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.

Is that right ?
I thought Eddie was great. He's not going to be too popular in government or business circles after it. But fair play - at last Irish consumers have a leader who might inject a dose of outrage into the Irish psyche.
Re: Rip Off Republic - Reviews

I have long held the opinion that there are major 2 reasons for this countries ill's. 1 the poitical system i.e. parish pump politics & 2. the country is effectively run by lobby/pressure groups. I honestly think that Eddies program could be the start of something big. I'll be tuning in next week, nappy is in the post to Mr.Martin & I'll continue to complain,shop around where I see fit. Shock stat from last night had to be the price of cement. 85 Euros per tonne here, 45 in Germany + 10 to transport it !!!!! Crazy. CRH may have some competition..
I was in the audience for one of the shows. We had to do a few takes at times - and his make-up artist came out quite a bit to powder his nose!!!
Wouldn't it be funny if a future topic would be any postal service rip-offs
I know it'll cost a bit, but should the nappies be sent by registered post? Given that the Department officials will know what's going on, and will recognise spongy A4 envelopes, if they're registered, they'll have to at least go through the trouble of accepting delivery.
why nappies ????? can anyone explain. I watched the first 20 minutes or so, but it didnt really grab my attention, curious to know about posting nappies to michael martin ?????
Good show, very intresting.
I suppose it made us all angry at how ripped off we are everyday here.
..I can see Eddie going into politics himself one day
About the nappies- Eddie was explaining about the Groceries Act and how pressure groups are lobbying Michael Martin to keep it in place ( it stops retailers from passing on savings to consumers). I think he said that there is a list of items which the Act applies to and that nappies are due to come off this year. So he said we should all post a nappy to the Minister as a protest about the existance of the Act at all. Or something like that.
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