Rip-off Ireland - boats to Garinish island


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Was recently in Kerry for the hols and visited Garinish Island in Glengarriff. While the island itself was beautiful and excellent value with admission at €3.50, the real kick in the teeth was the €10 return that the boatmen charged to travel for 10 minutes to get to and from the island! While Cork Tourism tries to separate itself from the journey (and quite rightly so) it nevertheless is impossible to reach the island without these leeches who I noticed do not display their prices either on site or in tourism brochures - a bit like the jarveys in Killarney - but at least in Killarney you do not need a jaunting car, unlike Glengarriff where you definitely need a boat unless you are a seal!

Big-Time rip -off!
Re: Rip-off Ireland

Back in the 1970's whilst camping in Glengariff a few of the lads used to row over to the island during the night to help themselves to the "coins" that the tourists used to throw in the ornamental pond. There was also a shop that used to store its bottle glass empties at the rear. In those days you could sell your "empties" to the local shop. A bit like the Northern Ireland pigs these were the most travelled "empties" in Ireland. They were sold back to the shop during the day having been liberated during the night. Ah them were the days.......
Re: Rip-off Ireland

Hi Everywhere
I did see the fountain and it is still full of coins - sadly they are not Irish coins anymore but Euro. The thought did occur to me as to what happens to said coins, maybe we should investigate before your children and grandchildren get a few ideas! Great story!
Re: Rip-off Ireland

Another bigtime ripoff is the Aaron islands, got fleeced on Inis Mor a few years back, the "taxis" were the biggest rip off, one guy charged two of us 10 irish punts to go a few mins down the road. The lady of the second b and B we stayed at put hr hand out in front of us looking for the cash first thing in the morning when we went down to Breakfast. just a horrible bunch down there. Neeever again.
Re: Rip-off Ireland

On holiers recently down in Wexford we visited the Lobster Pot Restaurant (glorified bar and lounge). Can't say it was the biggest rip off in the country but I certainly felt it was very over rated and pricey for "bar" type food during the day, maybe the evening fare is better but it certainly is expensive. For years I heard people speak about it in glowing terms, maybe it was just people who can't cook and are easily impressed, especially when a bit of seafood is concerned??
We tried to go to Garnish a while back and hired our own little boat for the group of us. All was grand til we tried to dock and were not allowed cos we weren't "official" boatmen! We just sailed around gawking in but would never go back. They know they can charge what they like and people will still pay to get there I suppose? They see tourists as money sadly!