FAQ Rights of a beneficiary; Who is entitled to see a will? and related issues

You can do a search of solicitors in Ireland to ask if any has a will for the deceased.
I am a beneficiary of my Aunts will.My Aunt died from Dementia which is on her death certificate as the cause of death.A GP looked at her 3 yrs prior to her death and verbally told me she had memory disturbances. My Aunt got an appointment from the doctor to attend for a memory test but did not turn up.About a year later the lady scored very poorly on a memory test by a GP.. She also did a MOCA test and scored very poorly six months later.. A Doctor reported that it was too late for her to appoint anyone with Power of Attorney over her affairs shortly before she died. .The woman was well into her eightys.
The problem is that I did not get a full copy of her will from the Executor.I only got the part of the will pertaining to myself.This does not enable me to know if she had Alzeimers at the time she made her will,Am I entitled to get the copy of her fully dated will. The partial copy I received does not have the date of the will on it.
Can anyone let me know if I can get a full copy of my Aunt.s will dated as she died from Dementia.Am I entitled to get this or go to court to obtain this.?
Another question?

How long is one allowed to wait until they accept their inheritance as a beneficiary.?
All wills are public documents after the probate process.

At this stage, executor is not obliged to show full will to beneficiaries.
Based on this thread I think I’ll change my will and put in a clause that in the event of my death my husband and children are to be given a copy of my will. So much grief due to this. As it happens I have a copy of both our wills in a box in the study. And as executor I showed all my siblings my mothers will after she died.

One sibling took the car, I was delighted as that saved me another headache. One sibling decided to move into the house. We all agreed. It was a good thing too as grief can do funny things to people. We were told to take all valuables out the day of the funeral. As I live abroad I organised a skip immediately. At one stage having filled it I had one sibling debating whether we would empty the overflowing skip to get a rug. That was one of the first things I threw out. How was I to know said sibling would have sentimental value for it. Some siblings got what my mother had said they would, a picture for one, a antique table for another. Youngest sibling was so upset she decided the couch and kitchen table would be hers. And brought them to the other end of the country. Another headache solved for me. I hadn’t been promised anything so at one stage we were clearing out the shed and had a fine dinner service strewn all over the garden. They decided I’d get that. So I asked one brother to mind it for me as I couldn’t put it in my suitcase. A sibling decided to investigate the value of it. Couldn’t believe she did. Anyway it turns out it’s worth 3k!

The last few Chrismases my SIL used it. My brother kept asking when was I going to take it, having agreed to keep it indefinitely as I have no idea if I’ll ever live in Ireland again. I was careful on that point. Anyway last year I made a gift of it to my SIL. She’s been very good to me and my children. My late mother would be delighted to know the dinner set was used so carefully. A fine closing of the circle.

And the local travellers brought down the skip costs. The young ones were circling and I told them to get their mother. She duly arrived and took a load of clothing etc.
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When your father died his bank accounts should be frozen and the only bill usually paid before probate being granted is the funeral bill . The bank will release funds to the exact amount of the bill. I can't see how she can pay out bequests . The executor has to keep an Administration Account which records all monies received and paid out and this should be given to each beneficiary when everything has been finalized. I was an executor on two occasions and I engaged a solicitor who handled everything and dealt with Revenue and a final statement was issued to everyone concerned at the end. If your father was in receipt of a means tested payment Social Welfare must be notified 3 months before the estate is distributed so that any overpayment can be repaid.