Rich self-employed says he is getting a pension

Household benefit package is available to those aged 66 if they have a State Pension (or part thereof) as per the OP

I see no reason why State Pension should be means tested to self employed people and not to PAYE. Either it's means tested to all or none. After all many pensions are awarded based on a combination of class A and S contributions
Anybody suggesting means-testing of state pensions should bear in mind that there are two State Pensions:
  • the social insurance PRSI contributory pension (CSP)
  • the social assistance means-tested non-contributory pension
People seem to be suggesting that the CSP might be means-tested. But there alreay exists a means-tested SP, for those people who haven't paid enough PRSI.

My point is that a suggestion to means-test the CSP ignores the contributory principle, i.e. you paid your PRSI, so you are entitled to it.

If it is to be means-tested, then you would simply abolish it, and let everybody apply for the existing means-tested SP.