reverse phone directory




When the only information you have is a phone number, is there anyway to find out the name and or address the number is listed to? Obviously phoning a number might give some information but is there a reverse phone directory for Ireland easily accessible?
Have you tried Google? A few times I used it to trace phone numbers back to their "owners"! Restrict the search to Ireland if it's an Irish number
I think I recall a legal case some years back where Eircom blocked some party from providing a reverse search facility via the Eircom phone book website.
Re: Googling 'phone numbers

...will only work if the 'phone number appears on a standard (non-httpstype) webpage. I just tried my own home number and I'm glad to say the only thing that came up was a part no. on!

I think rainyday's right (again...) — it's illegal for Eircom to provide reverse access like that except in the case where you've formally reported abusive calls from a given no. to the Gárdaí...