Revenue Refund scam


Registered User
Got an email the other day - see below. One of the most realistic looking scams I've seen for awhile. Even the amount in question didn't raise any alarm bells - 372 euro. The text is below, but the convincing aspects were:

The sender is:
The top of the form looked legit with a Revenue banner

There is a form to download and it's a webform where you enter your CC details including PIN - obviously a scam. Another give-away was incorrect grammar & spelling in the last sentence below:

Dear Customer,

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity , we determined that you
are aligible to receive a tax refund of 372.29 EURO.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-5 days in order to process it.

To access your tax refund, please follow the steps bellow:

- Download the Tax Refund attached to this email
- Open it in a browser
- Follow the instructions on your screen

NOTE: A refund can be delayed a variety of reasons , for exemple submitting invalid
records or applying after deadline.
Yes, this is a scam. I get them regularly. Revenue does not contact you about refunds, you have to apply for them yourself through the PAYEAnytime service 0 which is very quick and efficient.