Revenue not aware I am in full-time employment-Please Explain?


Registered User
I rang the revenue office this morning to inform them of my recent marriage and to inquire about details regarding the Taxation for married couples when I was surprised to learn they are not aware I am in full-time employment since April 2005 when I changed jobs. Can someone please explain why this is so and what the implications are, if any?

Ask your employer what the problem is.

You employer may not have informed Revenue of you commencing to work with him. It's possible he has been taxing you based on the credits and cut-off you would have recieved as opposed to from the tax credit cert you didn't receive.

May not be a big deal. Make sure you get a P60 and payslips from your employer to show that tax and PRSI have been deducted etc.
Perhaps they were never informed by you or your employer. Did you give your employer your P45 when you started work? Have you been getting P60s at the end of each tax year? How were you being taxed - i.e. what figures appeared on your payslips? What details did your annual statement of tax credits contain? Have you asked for a P21 balancing statement for 2005 (and previous years if applicable)? If you have over/under paid tax then the difference will need to be made good by Revenue/you one way or another.

Post crossed with Ham Slicer's.