Revenue keeps requesting income tax return (not self employed)


Registered User
I am a regular employee at a company in Ireland and my tax gets deducted automatically as normal.

In 2017 I exercised some share options and did a tax return for them. Revenue then asked me to do a tax return for 2018 also which I did despite not exercising any options or selling shares. Revenue has kept asking me to do a return each year despite my not selling any shares and not having any other source of income. Is this normal?

I've tried un-registering via the ROS website multiple times, have phoned them up before and explained it and told I was unregistered but am registered again each year. Is this an issue / mistake on their end? How would one resolve this? 2017 was the only year I ever sold any shares.
This happened to me along time ago. Despite complaints I still had to fill out the return every year afterwards. It’s Hotel California I’m afraid.
I was required to do a once off income tax return on ROS and recently deregistered, as all my tax was paid through PAYE. Google "Revenue and TRCN1" to get a copy of the Tax Registration Cancellation Notification form. Complete the form and send a scanned copy to email address stated on the form.