Returning to Ireland from uk where worked for NHS, pregnant Who should I speak to?



I am in a bit of a pickle. i had planned to leave edinburgh in November to return back to Ireland. I studied in the UK and have worked there for 6 years in the NHS.
Very bad timing, but big suprise...I am pregnant. I don't know what to do now. If I come home in november I don't think interviewers will be impressed by the bump, and even if I leave it to after the baby is born the NHS only pay mat benefit for 8 weeks if you are terminating your contract. either way I can't afford to come home to this financial uncertainty.
would I be entitled to state maternity benefit?
Who should I speak to? I am completely out of the loop in this area.
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: returning home

Hi bigbird congratulations, maybe contact social welfare directly at the details below, they should be able to tell you all you need to find out.
Maternity Benefit Section

Department of Social and Family Affairs

Social Welfare Services Office

St. Oliver Plunkett Road



+353 1 704 3000

1890 690 690


Re: returning home

congrats again bigbird. Definitely check it out with social welfare here, maybe you're social insurance payments will be recognised over here.
Re: returning home

Congrats on the baby; am pretty sure you can transfer your NHS payments to Ireland & qualify for unemployment/maternity benefit. Welfare dept will be able to advise full details.

If it were me, I would arrange to be here and settled for as long as possible before baby arrives.
I don't think interviewers will be impressed by the bump
equality legislation requires that this does not factor into the equation - are you qualified/experience etc., for the job - that's the only thing interviewers should be evaluating. If you have nursing/medical qualifications I doubt you'll have much problem landing a job.

best of luck.
Re: returning home

thanks everyone. I will call them 1st thing on monday.