Retiring early from CS due to illness; what criteria?


Registered User
If a person has to retire fearly (after 35 years services) due to illness is ther any criteria to be met in order to get full CS pension (pre-1995 rules prevail)?

1. Does it have to be within a certain time period of age 60/40 years service.
2. Does type of illness come into it?
3. Anything else that they should be aware of?
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after 35 years services due to illness
Don't think pension will be enhanced past 35 years service in such an instance (although added years can presumably be purchased from lump sum). Benefit of retiring due to illness in that case is that pension will be paid immediately.

As ever, talk to HR.
The public service (HSE/Local Authority) superannuation scheme does have a facility whereby up to 6.75 years can be added to a persons reckonable service if they are forced to retire on the grounds of ill health. Don't think it can apply to all cases, but I don't know what criteria are used.
The provision for added years allows a maximum of 6.75 or thereabouts so someone retiring on health grounds after 35 years would only benefit from 5 years ill health years as they are commonly known. 35+5=40 years, which is the maximum.

1. No, there is no age limit or length of service limit tied to ill-health retirements. People can become seriously ill or be in an accident at any age. Obviously if you have very little service, your pension would be very small.
2. Not necessarily
3. The Chief Medical Officer for the civil service will be involved and will have to certify the person as (a) unfit for work and (b) unlikely to recover in the short - medium term.

Retirement on health grounds is unlikely to be sanctioned unless the individual has already been referred to the CMO due to persistant sick leave/a long period of sick leave. The person in question should talk to HR or the Employee Assistance Officer.
Just wondering if the CMO calls all applicants for a medical - in the situation where a detailed medical report has been provided by the applicants oncologist who recommends the retirement??

If there is an entitlement to the added on years i.e. 6.75, is this taken into consideration in the calculation of the lump sum due?
AFAIK the added years are pro-rata and the max is only available to those who would have in excess of 30years service. Applicant is likely to be referred to the Occupational Health Dept of the employer. From there the applicant may get a decision or be referred for further reports. Its not always as simple as going to the CMO.