Retiring at 51

I thought I would give an update in January, but tbh nothing much happening.
Covid has put the Kibosh on plans to do anything really.
One good thing though is we seem to have more money than we know what to do with now.
Nothing to spend it on really with covid. Even without covid, we probably have plenty more than we can spend.
I think we definitely need to get advice on what to do with money we arent spending.
Im 100% sure retiring was the right thing to do though.
Glad to hear you are enjoying it!

Would you be willing to do another money makeover, so folks can see your family's new income, savings and assets situation?

Of course. No point doing it at the moment though as it wouldnt be a real thing with Covid. The main things we spend money on are all out for the moment. Also found all sorts of accounts we didnt know we had where we had money squirreled away. And subscriptions etc that we dont even use anymore. So at the moment and for a good few years yet we can just live off savings and dont need to even think about touching my pension.
It turns out our finances are messier than we thought. In a good way though