Retirement in public sector


Registered User
my mam has been diagnosed with a long term illness. she works in the public sector. Can any one advise on whether she can retire on ill health grounds? she is 58 and has 20 years service.
Yes, it is possible. Her employer has to be convinced that the illness is sufficiently serious and permanent, and that is a medical matter. She should advise her employer that she wishes to take early retirement on health grounds, and they will go through the steps with her and her medical advisers.

In general, public service pension schemes have special provision for early retirement on health grounds. There could be a top-up to her pension of about 5 years, meaning that her pension could be 25/80ths of her pay level at retirement date (made slightly more complicated by PS pay cuts and the Croke Park deal, but overall the deal she should get is fairly good).

Usually the application is referred to the Chief Medical Officer or competent medical advisor for the organisation for their advice. They may or may not ask for a detailed medical report so I would suggest she submits one with her application.​
thanks for replies. is there a website where i can find out if her illness is covered? thanks again.