Retirement Anniversary


Registered User
Just thought I'd share with you that, at 5pm today, it was the 15th anniversary of my retirement. Still enjoying life and very happy not to be facing the 7am commute to the office(s).
Congrats to you, well done.

Love to hear of people enjoying their retirement and not missing the rat race. I hate to hear of people retiring and dying shortly afterwards. They may have looked forward to it for a long time and then don't get to enjoy it.

I suppose you retired early and are still only a spring chicken
Just thought I'd share with you that, at 5pm today, it was the 15th anniversary of my retirement. Still enjoying life and very happy not to be facing the 7am commute to the office(s).

Ah it's a great life BillK - great that you are enjoying yourself , long may it continue.

Retired since Feb 2007 myself - just back from playing Indoor footie , the recent 2 weeks warm weather training in Spain stood me in good stead.

Roll on Euro 2012 - God willing & the creek don't rise !
God bless you Sue Ellen. I am, at best, an autumn chicken!
Thanks also to you Deiseblue, for your good wishes.
My mother retired this year and both parents have now their bus passes. They are very comfortably off in very good health and are enjoying retirement. They are a good advert for retirement. Hope things are as good for me when I retire in 23-25 years time! Enjoy your retirement Billk. I envy you pensioners at times.
That's great to hear BillK. Most people I know who are retired say they don't know how they ever found time to work there's so much to do. Hoping to be that type of retiree myself someday.
Best of luck for a hopefully long and highly enjoyable retirement!
That's great to hear BillK. Most people I know who are retired say they don't know how they ever found time to work there's so much to do. Hoping to be that type of retiree myself someday.

My father-in-law retired some years back and had the opposite experience. It took him the best part of a year to adjust and at times he was quite down. He worked, on average from 8am - 6pm Mon-Fri and half days/full days on Sat and had about 12 people working for him. Then all of a sudden he was out tending his garden. He's getting on pretty well though since then and they travel about 4 times a year now which is great. A friend of my father's is retiring next year, but he was able to cut back to 3 days a week for the past 2 years which I think is a good way to do it as it eases you in to it.

Personally I couldn't ever see myself retiring as I enjoy what I am doing and don't feel like I'm part of any rat race, but I'm sure I'll change my mind when I'm older. For now it's a busy gig at our place with the young ones and Mrs Firefly's business taking off (gladly), but it's being in the trenches sometimes.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble! Best of luck to ye both with yer retirement and good health!
