Retainer payment


Registered User

I am moving jobs in a few weeks and my current employer has asked if I would be open to providing a support service to them over a 6 to 12 month period outside of normal office hours. As I am moving form a city to rural location the move has involved a drop in salary so this would be a good help to make up some of the shortfall. I work in IT and have developed a lot of systems that are being used in my current employment.

This support would only be outside office hours. Does anyone have an idea what the going rate is for a service such as this?


best bet would be to determine what the current level of support is required for these systems. What amount of time you will have to then dedicate to keep this level of support up and what response the customer (your ex-employer) will want from you, e.g. available at the end of the phone anytime outside office hours.

Then work out what your normal hourly rate is and charge based on that. remember the going rate is what you are prepared to chrage to give up your free time and what the customer is willing ot pay for the service.

That is the other issue. My current employer raised the retainer option about a month ago and has not raised it again as yet. I am not going to raise it. My new contract states that I will not work elsewhere while under contract with them unless with written permission. If my current employer raises it again I will let them know I need clearence from my new employer before considering it but I think it would be possible as my new employer is aware that I am taking a drop in salary with the move that I would like to offset this if possible.
