Wrong forum [Req] Genuine Paintings and Statues


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Hi All,

I was in a posh Irish art gallery recently viewing original painting and metal statue works. As expected, everything was incredibly expensive.

Is anyone aware of an alternative distribution channel in which you can get genuine original work but at much lower prices? Examples of what I have in mind include:

  • a shy misunderstood genius who makes brilliant stuff in his/her garage and sells it at the local open market
  • a street in a foreign city (that Ryanair fly near to) where artists that specialise in this niche sell to the public

Alternatively, if you know a distribution method (and a distributor) that I haven’t thought of then that would also be most welcome.

Thanks In Advance for all responses.
Have you tried the art colleges exhibitions, try and buy pieces before the student gets famous.
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Merrion Square on any Sunday will give you lots of cheap art.

Some well known artists will sell to you directly.

Even better, go to an art class and do it yourself.

you can sometimes pick up nice paintings at antique auctions. Don't bother with the specialist auctions, just go for one with the most lots on sale.

If it's unsigned or unknown you might pick up a bargain.

Maybe just google irish artists and approach them directly. An artist i know offered me a discount on the website prices and i'm sure they would all do the same. (assuming no agent involved)

I was in Bordeaux last year and there was some amazing original art available at very reasonable prices.

Are you looking to buy it for yourself or a gift or to re-sell?