Replacing glass in front foor....


Registered User
Hi there

Have just bought a new house, and am not happy with the front door. The top half has 2 panes of clear glass in it, so not much privacy. I know I can put a blind on it, which is what everyone else in the estate seems to have done, but that means leaving it pulled down all day and I think drawing more unwanted attention to the place during the day when theres no one basically I want to replace the glass with either obscured glass ( think thats what its called! glass you cant see through?!?!) or perhaps stained glass.....question is where would I find such a thing and will it be terribly expensive?????

Thanks in advance!
I think its called frosted glass, and google threw [broken link removed] and I'm sure the goldenpages would do likewise, depending of course on where you are located
While you are thinking of doing this consider if you would like to replace it with some form of laminated glass
Stobear - Thanks for the link!

Olddog - Thanks! Can I ask why laminate.....?????
Tonash said:
Thanks a million stobear....really appreciate it!!

Will check it out...

Why not try CONTACT while you decide what to do . We used some while we were having a stained glass picture window made and as there are many designs too choose from it can look good and gives privacy. Perhaps there is another name for it and not CONTACT but it is easily available in most DIY stores
As another alternative there are spray cans you can get for frosting up clear glass, they often seemed to be shown on those DIY shows. I got some a while ago but it was in B&Q in the UK. Basically just spray on clear glass to get the frosted affect. I used in on glass for a shed and it worked fine. An easy alternative to changing the glass...