Repairing hair line Plaster cracks


Registered User
I have a number of hair line plaster cracks that run from the corner of my window cills downwards. Can anyone advise me of a flexible caulk filler suitable for this type of cracking. I have heavy bulky cills and suspect that they come back from expansion of the heavy cills. All advice welcome.
I'm no expert but I use Polyfilla or a similar, non brand at half the price, from Homebase etc. Smear on the filler with the spatula, scrape off the excess and do it again. When filled, scrape as much excess off as possible. Allow to harden and then sand with fine paper or sanding sponge.
Even if you get a flexible filler, I would expect the paint coat to crack showing the outline of movement. Also, you would need to Chanel out the hair line crack for any filler to take effect.
A proper job would be to strip back enough each side to insert a mesh scrim tape and then re-plaster over. But that's a messy enough job and even the success of that will depend on how much movement there is in the crack over time.
Hi I had this problem with a number of windows did all of above but cracks still returned if going to plaster scrim option is best but need to get professional guy to do to get finish other option which i used and worked especially if u are handy at diy was to line walls with heaviest grade lining paper or even two layers and paint over great job and permanent