Renting affordable apartment without profit


Registered User
Hi My sis has to move to the states for a year with her job in July, she bought her apartment via SDCC 2 years back, Her friend wants to rent it from her for the year .The payment would be what my sis pays to her mortgage.
The apartments around where she lives are been rented for 950E, but she will hope to rent for the amount her mortgage is each month which is 600E.
She knows her place will be looked after really good so is this allowed and are there any other options.
No way around it as far as I know. Affordable housing cant be rented out.
You can go to your local council and make a request to be allowed rent the property out. Each case is considered individually
You can rent out a room , and of she chooses to charge 600 to rent out a 'room' for the year , nobody need be any wiser .
if its cash in hand, and the amounts involved are not too high, then just go with renter27's suggestion, just keep it quiet
@Renter27 and @nathan123, the rent a room scheme is not applicable as the owner is not residing in the apartment. What you propose is in breach of the conditions attaching to AH purchases, unless OP does what Bobbg suggests and is successful.