Rent setting - start of tenancy


Registered User
Am I right to believe that at the start of a tenancy, I can review the rent by 2% at the pro rata of the number of months since the previous review?
example: previous review 5 months ago, apply 5/12 of the possible yearly increase
That is what I think is the case but reading the RTB website on this issue, I found it less clear than used to be.
Fantastic, when inflation was going through the roof, 2% was the maximum but now that we have a reduction of the increase, back to the calculator.
it is not that easy to work out.

The rent is set for 12months at a time if you are in a rpz. If you change tenants in between rent cannot be changed.
Once the 12 months are up you can apply the formula but you have to give your tenants 90days after the 12 month anniversary of the rent set that you are increasing the rent. Your tenant can challenge the rent increase in that 90days. Make sure you show 3 comparisons with your notice and use the correct template.
New system is so complicated. Personally I would check with citizens information or rtb as if you go along as you plan and the tenant challenges it after 6 months you may have to refund and could have to pay them compensation. You just never know.

You could be wrong in setting rent when changing tenants.
Threshold shows
In RPZs, the rent can only be increased once every 12 months. This increase must be done in the form of a Rent Review giving tenants at least 90 days’ notice. A Rent Review must be served as a hard copy. The official Notice of Rent Review Form.
I read again the rtb lease template and I think it is fine as I am setting the rent for the new tenancy which seems to be allowed. With a great increase of €5 a month compared to the previous rent, I am not terribly worried.