Rent Review - Comparable Properties Question


Registered User
Quick question: When issuing notice of a rent review and the requirement to list 3 comparable properties is it just the amount of rent that has to be listed or must the addresses of said properties also be listed. The guidelines and examples on rtb suggest just the amounts and not the addresses but I'm not sure. I have saved pdfs of the 3 properties for my own records but want to make sure that the notice is valid.

On the template I think it has a space with address and amount. I also put and let date as well. If you look on Daft you can see let agreed in the advance search. Might give you more options.
The legislation on this is highly vague and very open to challenge.

  1. In the absence of a public letting register, there is no way to verify if the asking rents have been achieved.
  2. Some markets are not liquid, it may be hard to find another three-bed penthouse apartment in rural Roscommon advertised. Why should a landlord be penalised if she can't find a nearby property?
  3. What exactly is 'comparable' anyway?
Don't overthink it, search Daft and find three properties nearest in size and location.

Include the address and rent in your notice, you can reference the URL and search date if you wish though the template doesn't say you need to do that.
Thanks for the replies. Finally got through to the rtb and their advice was, while not obliged to list the addresses, it was best to do so as the tenant could request the info on receipt of the notice. Also asked them about definition of "comparable" as was finding it difficult to find similar properties both size and location. Their advice in this was location over size but then followed that with "even if that means a property 30 miles away. Bizarre! I gave up at that point and thanked him for his time.