Rent limits on investment property


New Member
Buying an investment rental and rental is presently 1100€ . However the property doesn’t appear to be registered with Rtb . Does this mean that I can charge more than the 1100€ plus 2% allowed annually?
Seen this numerous times, the property doesn't appear on the rtb website. The reason is largely down to poor transcription (poor spelling). Type in every variable of spelling of the property's name and after 27 years you'll get a hit.

Good work rtb
The same was the case for the Propety Price Register.
Buying an investment rental and rental is presently 1100€ . However the property doesn’t appear to be registered with Rtb . Does this mean that I can charge more than the 1100€ plus 2% allowed annually?
No. If the property was rented on the PRS and therefore should have been registered, the rules don't disappear because it wasn't.
Also, its possible it might have been registered in the past and lapsed.
Technically you are still supposed to maintain rent increases at the same time periods - aka 12 months after the last one, at the rate defined by legislation.

However, if it was not registered its likely there would not be a record for anybody to check. So in reality landlords who have historical legacy "low" rents might be able to get away with setting a new rent rate by virtue of the fact that prospective tenants have no way to validate prior rent.