Regulations / Standards around Dust in new developments ?




Does anyone know if there are any regulations or standards regarding acceptable levels of dust / dirt in and around a new housing development ?

We are currently living in a new estate where work is still ongoing and the amount of dust being generated is beginning to concern me.

Obviously where there is construction there will be dust and I accept that and we knew that would be the case when we bought the house but does anyone know what steps a developer must take (if any) to ensure dust levels do not rise beyond a certain level - is there an accepted level where the amount of dust becomes a danger to health ?

If nobody knows directly, can anyone suggest the best place to track down this info - Dept of the Environment or local council ?

Re: Regulations / Standards around Dust in new developments

I don't know if there are regulations about dust levels, but you're right to be concerned; we moved into a new development 6 months ago and I developed a bad cough which I was told was caused by the dust. My GP advised me to keep the windows shut and wear a mask in the house until the building work was finished. It's been two months since that happened and I'm still on steroids to try and fight the stupid cough, and I've today I've to make an appointment for a chest x-ray. If you're concerned about the dust, keep the windows closed and try to wipe all surfaces down with a damp cloth as often as possible. Get a HEPA filter for your hoover and hope that the builders finish soon!
Re: Regulations / Standards around Dust in new developments

You could also cover any vents in the house, but its illegal to leave the covered permanently. If you do this get a carbon monoxide detector installed first. Hope for rain!
Re: Regulations / Standards around Dust in new developments

Phone the planning office in your local authority and ask if there are any general or specific stipulations in regard to this development. They should be able to tell you this over the phone.
I objected to a development going on behind my house - successfully, as the block of flats will now be built with more regard to the buildings adjoining it. On the final permission for the project, several stipulations were made - such as the cleaning of surrounding streets of building debris on a daily basis, and that work should go on during set times (8-6 weekdays, 9-1 on Saturday, not at all on Sunday).
The planning department have an enforcement officer who should be available to inspect sites and ensure that if there are health and hygiene issues or any other infringements of the planning regs, that they are adhered to. Let them know if you think they are being broken.
You certainly shouldn't have to stay inside with a mask on because of dust. Whether the development has planning or not, and whether you have moved into an area where there is building or not, they are causing a nuisance to your property which you would have the right to sue for, if they don't improve the situation. Maybe ask for legal advice - does the amount of dust and dirt created constitute the tort of nuisance?
locl authority

Where I live and work I have suffered all of these problems and more for almost a year now.
Componding the suffering is the fact the work causing all the nuisance is being carried out by the local authority i.e. the agency to which complaints of this nature should be addressed.
Let me say that the local authority couldn't give a toss in this case.
I hope you have better luck.