Registering a new company may be seen as a Phoenix Company



To give some background to the question,

Over the last few years I have been running a ltd company and a sole trader business.Both business where within the construction industry and both business are now ruined and owe money to creditors.

The ltd company owes a very small amount of money to the bank and the revenue.All small suppliers have been paid and there is also a vat rebate due that covers the revenue bill but the revenue will not process it as the company has now been struck off by the CRO.So overall the ltd company liabilites is €0 but there is outstanding bills for the returns to the cro of about €1700 that i cannot afford.

The sole trader business owes the revenue circa 20K as a result of an audit and they are starting to become very aggressive in chasing the money even though I don't have the money to pay them.

I am also involved in another ltd company which is only now starting to have a turnover which requires vat registration etc.I am fairly sure that this company will be seen as a "Phoenix Company " but I have no choice but to keep working in the construction industry as it is all I know.I accept that I have made a mess of the last two business but I can safely say that I have learnt a massive amount from experience and the training courses that I have done over the years.

So my question is ,Will my request for vat reg and other tax regs for the new company set alarm bells going within the revenue offices and can they refuse to give me the registration ?
I don't think your scenario is Phoenix yet.

I would proceed as normal, you really have no choice but to get your VAT registration for your current ltd company.