Registered letter with no name


Registered User
I got a notification that there is a registered letter waiting for collection addressed to my address but the name title is 'no name'. Not going to collect it but curious as to who would send a registered letter with no name on it.
Can happen where a utility mistakenly supply service to a user with whom they do not have a contract. They then try to collect a bill and a debt for the cost of that service.
Why wouldn't you collect it?

I'm not collecting something that can be used to track whether it has been accepted or not. Legal documents such as summonses are sent by registered mail usually by lazy debt agencies who once they get a trigger than the letter was accepted doorstep you and demand payment despite not being the person they want.

Can happen where a utility mistakenly supply service to a user with whom they do not have a contract. They then try to collect a bill and a debt for the cost of that service.

My thoughts also but was just checking was there any good reason.
It might be your granny forgot to fill in the name, on your early Christmas present.

More likely the postman didn't transfer the name from the envelope onto the notification. Your granny isn't going to be pleased to not get a thank you.

Or in other words. You are being paranoid.
Go with the note to your local An Post collection office. Present your identification. You can inspect the envelope/packet. Beware of brown envelope. You don't have to accept the item and if so An Post can return it to the sender marked "Refused." And you probably will keep your granny happy.
Legally a registered letter is deemed delivered when an attempted delivery is made to the address (Not the addressee).
More likely the postman didn't transfer the name from the envelope onto the notification. Your granny isn't going to be pleased to not get a thank you.
The notification specifically says 'no name' in the space provided and my grannies would be well over a hundred years old if they were around still.
So have you been receiving a service without paying for it?
Just thought I'd update on this. It wasn't me granny or bad bad men looking for money. I got a call from someone who stated they sent out a registered letter to me so it was in fact legit and had my name o it. The problem was that I have my post being redirected using An Post services because I moved about two months ago. When they redirect they just put a sticker accross the addressed window with the new address typed on it it. It covers the name so the postman could not see who it was actually addressed to.
I don't know how you could not open it.

I'd be dying to know what was in it and why my name wasn't on it. I'd rather know about some impending legal issue / debt so I could deal with it instead hoping it might go away cause I never opened the letter...

Anyway glad the outcome was nothing shocking for you.
More likely the postman didn't transfer the name from the envelope onto the notification.
So in fact this is exactly what happened. You are welcome
Ehh no. The postman couldn't see who it was actually addressed to because the moving department covered both name and address. But thanks for the feedback seeing as it really means that much to you.....
But thanks for the feedback seeing as it really means that much to you.....

but Madra ... it was you who asked for feedback initially. No point asking for feedback/advice/help if you're not going to take it on without getting narky.
You can't redirect a registered letter. Or you shouldn't ( i worked on the ts and cs)