Referendum on reducing judges pay.

"Innocent" men or "Guilty" men

I don't have a problem with convicted criminals serving time in prison
The definition of 'guilty' or 'innocent' is always a moveable feast, especially when elements within the judicial system are designed to pander to base populism.
It might do some of the judiciary good to remember who they are supposed to serve

A lot of judges seem to be massively out-of-touch when it comes to sentencing issues.
Okay, quango's are bad, but I'm not suggesting that. A selection panel across a range of relevant disciplines and interests shouldn't be impossible, we do it in other fields. I don't like the idea of electing Judges or State prosecuters a la USA, it's too open to abuse.
Again, who selects/appoints the panel?
Again, who selects/appoints the panel?

LRCin conjunction with others perhaps. It will require some panelists with legal backgrounds given the nature of the task.

No system for selction is entirely without the potential for abuse or influence, which I assume is your point. But that shouldn't prevent an attempt ot improve the current system which is entirely unsatisfactory.
My point is that however big a bunch of gobdaws our TD's and government are at least we know who they are and can kick them out at election time. Unelected people appointing unelected judges is one step too far away from accountable for my liking.
The independence of the judicary from political interfeence, nd a facility to remove judges was what I was suggesting. Judges on the Supreme Court aren't themselves free from an allegation of bias, and are the highest authority in the state.

There should be a means to ensure that these appointments, and the regulation of these people is as much above suspicion as possible, and as free from poltical interference or preference as possible. What we have now is the probably worst possible scenario.
My point is that however big a bunch of gobdaws our TD's and government are at least we know who they are and can kick them out at election time. Unelected people appointing unelected judges is one step too far away from accountable for my liking.

I find the biggest gobdaws get back in every time...see Kerry, Tipperary etc!!! The politically enlightened (as oppossed to the 'I'll vote for him as he tarred my drive way' brigade) in this country are in a minority unfortunately. And its the politicians who currently rule the roost on judicial appointments.

Have directly elected may see an end to sentencing like this:
4 years after drinking 9 pints and 5 brandys!
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