Recourse if individual didn't claim pension


Registered User
Oops! looks like my parents made a bit of a blunder. My Dad retired 22 years ago, having worked for 37 years for a state sponsored body. He contributed to the pension scheme within that body and when he retired was automatically given it. However, they didn't know, weren't told or didn't enquire as to the the standard OAP to which they were appearently entitled. They thought that was included in what they were receiving.
This only came to light when my mother recently applied for a Carers Grant. A very astute clerical officer worked on her behalf and informed them that they were entitled to a much healthier pension than what they had been subsisting on since Dad's retirement.
They have, in the last week been granted an extra pension of E89 plus E18 fuel allowance per week, starting immediatly.
My Parents are over the moon about this, but also feel a bit despondent as the extra money would have been very useful over the last 22 years. My question now is, can they claim all or part of the pension to which they were entitled, or at least be given some kind of lump sum compensation? Adding up the figures they are out at least E100,000 by an error of ommission. OMG, if it is was me I would be so mad, but they seem to be so mellow about the whole thing, but at the same time, this money would certainly help them find more suitable accomodation or some small comforts in life, like a new stair lift etc etc, for which they were recently refused funding, eventhough both of them have chronic illnesses which necessitates help on the stairs!
Has anybody got any clue to their entitlement. There was no mention of paying back the money in the letter they received, but that was probably Social Welfare not wanting 'to mention the war'.
Have they not asked SW about the possibuility of backdating the claim? If the answer is no then no harm in trying to push the issue including getting local elected representatives on the case. Don't ask and you definitely won't receive.
Thanks Clubman, that's exactly what my Mum is going to do. It would be a bit more encouraging though if we were more confident of what their entitlements are in the matter.
I think Mum didn't want to rock the boat until she got the pension sorted first, now she is going to ask about backdated payments. At 82 she could run rings around me when it comes to finance - her failure to claim the pension is the only blot in her copybook, (huge blot as it is).!
This may give you some insight as to how the Ombudsman looks at such matters:-

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Thanks, those are very interesting articles. How successful we will be in getting anything is another matter, but we'll give it a whirl!