Recommendation for good trampoline


Registered User
Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a good trampoline or where to buy one. Budget between 200 and 500. Looking for a good durable one thatll stand test of time. Smyths been mentioned and they have 230 approx - any views?

Got one in Smyths myself in 2021 for the kids. 12ft x 8ft for €350. It’s held well and was reasonably easy to put together. I got a ladder and tie-down straps which were extra. The only issue is that the netting surrounding the upright bars has developed holes in places, but this is a direct result of my kids hanging off the top-bar and kicking the netting repeatedly (ie not normal wear and tear). I’ve had no safety issues, other than the kids clanging off each other when they’re all jumping at the same time. Nothing serious.
That’s alarmist nonsense in my view. It’s far more dangerous for kids to be fat sedentary slobs playing consoles or looking at their phones all day.
We scrapped our 10ft Trampoline, similar to this one, last year after 15 years service. To be fair it was a bit like Trigger's Broom in that we replaced the netting a couple of times, and the surround padding, multiple springs, maybe even the ladder(?) over the years. It had a very sturdy steel frame.

In any event it got great use from kids of all sizes (and adults), we use to pile them on. No major injuries, the odd bump. The one thing I did do was to ensure if other kids were to use it their parents would have to sanction it.

Methinks 10ft is the best size if you have the space. Smyths ones look a bit lightweight to me, and I prefer the netting on the outside of the padded surround rather than the inside.
Might be out of your budget but we have an Acon Air 4.3m round trampoline and it's excellent quality. They have a 3.7m one for €659 currently but they have a 3m one within your budget as well.
We got one in Smyths. There's varying sizes to suit your budget. Lasted as long as the kids wanted it for. Had to give it a power house once a year in the spring.

You need to watch them on it and limit the number of kids on it. If it's a free for all, there's a high chance of head clashes etc.
We had a Berg for years, top quality. Can't imagine anything more sturdy. Bought in Stillorgan, Nimblefingers. Any other trampolines I've seen have bent poles, broken springs etc, the Berg was bullet proof.
our Smyths one is going strong the last 5 years and is used daily by gymnastics mad child, bought from her communion money and she is still using it weekly.
I have heard that the smyths ones arent the most durable or sturdy. Although they do seem to be on the cheaper side.
Ken Black's 8 x 12 foot. Very sturdy comes with safety netting. Buy the ladder separately. About eur350 I think. Money well spent.

If they're not jumping on it they sit on it or under it chatting. Sometimes even bring out duvets and snooze on it.

Get their friends around and make it a social hub with music and snacks.

Money well spent.go for it.
We finally dismantled the trampoline after years of use.
They are potentially dangerous but every story I have heard of injuries have involved avoidable dangerous behaviour - too many kids on it at one time , no net, not tied down properly , in one case three 13 year olds who brought their bikes on to the trampoline.

Once it’s being used safely , it’s a brilliant thing to have . It got our kids out in the garden on plenty of cold winter days .