Recommend a dentist

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Re: dentist

Try Niall Daly on the Upper Churchtown Road (opposite the Bottle Tower pub)- if he's still there.

Back in 1993/94, I had a dentist phobia and hadnt gone to a dentist for about 12 years. My local bus stop was right outside his surgery, so after a lot of psyching up I went to him. He played music on headphones, which I found to be very relaxing.

yellow pages - no prob with me. Anyone know of a great dentist in Cork??? I have serious phobia too

lagel, try Barry Daly in Blackrock - I see him for a check up every 6 months and I nearly enjoy going to the dentist now.
Re: dentist

Does anyone know the name of the dentist in Westland Row area beside the Gingerman pub? I used him after a recommendation on this site some years ago. Thanks
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