Reclaiming pension contributions made.


Registered User
I signed up for a private pension several years ago. At the time i 'stupidly' was unaware that i was in a civil service pension scheme and therefore could not claim tax relief on contributions made. I promptly ceased paying into it. Can i reclaim monies paid?
Who arranged this pension for you? I would say they have some questions to answer. It would appear that they didn't do any sort of decent fact-find.
If you made the broker aware that you were a civil servant and already in a superannuation scheme at the time, then I think you have a valid complaint. But you do say in your first post that you were "stupidly" unaware of this.

Normally it's not possible to get a refund of contributions to a private pension arrangement until retirement. However, if you never should have been in it in the first place, Revenue might authorise a refund.

If the broker is at fault, then ask the broker to write to Revenue explaining the position and asking for a refund to be authorised. If you are at fault because you did not give the broker correct information at the time, then you can write to Revenue.