recently widowed

  • Thread starter limerickwoma
  • Start date


my mother(69) recently lost my father,she is living in a home alone with greatly reduced income.The house needs several jobs like some insulation and some wiring problems etc etc...she no longer has the means to pay for this and we are wondering does anybody know if she has any entitlements from social welfare/government in order to carry out work like this,we are not well versed in this and would like some advice..
You can have a consultation on social welfare entitlements at your local citizens information centre, phone and book, it is free of charge. You can also get comprehensive advice over the phone, just call the number in the golden pages, and you can log on to their website. Perhaps do all 3 and then you will be fully informed before you approach the social welfare office and community welfare officer at your health centre. Different payments are sourced at different offices. Social welfare officers and community welfare officers do not advise you of all your entitlements, merely process what you claim for so please find out impartially as I said through Citizens Advice. All the best to your Mum.
Her son who is receiving jobseekers is living with her, will she qualify for household benefit package? citizens advice told her she would receive this automatically (incorrect)after my dad died but she only found out she has to apply for it again,she is 66 and is trying to get him on permanent disability as he has ongoing medical problems, any suggestions??
Many areas have small community schemes that match volunteers to older people and people on low incomes who need DIY jobs done. [broken link removed]would probably know if there is one in your area.
It is unlikely that she would qualify for household benefits as her son is living with her.
One of the conditions is that she must be living alone or with some one who has a qualifying Invalidity Pension, Disability allowance.
Jobseekers Benefit or allowance is not considered a qualifying payment