rebate on mortgage?



Hi I have just been told about a rebate that is available on my proposed mortgage. I have been told that I can get 800 euros on tax relief or intrest relief - something like that. Here's the thing - I work in the north and my taxes are paid in the north - can i still get this rebate? Can anyone clear up exactly what this is?
Re: rebate on mortgage???

are you referring to mortgage tax relief? if so then yes you can avail of it, so long as the property is your permanent place of residence.
Re: rebate on mortgage???

Thanks, that sounds like it alright. You think I can still get this if i work in the north and pay taxes there? I'm looking at buying a house down south and will be getting my mortgage there as well.
Re: rebate on mortgage???

Well given that you don't pay taxes 'down south' how do you think you'll get tax relief on your mortgage payments?
Re: rebate on mortgage???

its tax relief... you need to pay tax to get relief....
Re: rebate on mortgage???

you are a UK resident tax-payer, and mortgage interest relief has been abolished since 2000.

see this document for some info:

[broken link removed]
Re: rebate on mortgage???

Thanks for the response guys - I had been told that I could avail of this and couldn't understand how, so this question was just to clarify. I know that I don't pay taxes "down south" that was made clear in my earlier post hence my confusion at being told I could claim this rebate.

Again, thanks for all help given.
Re: rebate on mortgage???

Me again. just to clarify further and close this topic, as I was browsing this forum and found this post again. I now have a permanent residence in donegal but work in the north. I am (contrary to some of what is said in this thread) able to avail of interest relief on my property up to €800 a year or something like that. Hope this is of some help to people in a similar situation. Thanks again.