re Backpacker australia, package deals west coast & cent



re Backpacker australia, package deals west coast & cent

In response to the post by AJ
1st the post that was linked to re austalia gave good general advice but none that actually applied to the question asked -recommendation of a backpacker tour for the west coast
I dont think it should have closed as it a fairly specific request I can add my info to a key post if you think it would be helpful but I think the poster gave enough info to differentiate this from a key post entry
Anyway touring the west coast my recommendation would be easy riders -its a hop off and on service
up and down the coast which every one i met on it raved about it leaves from perth here is a link to a number of tours from perth including this.
Hop on and off is great in case you find that you need a break from your group
The west coast is amazing and one of the good things about this is it takes in the Kalbarri National Park which was probably my favourite place in oz beautiful..
From there they can take a greyhound to darwin and after that hit down to the centre -there is the the train now down to alice much nicer than sitting in dusty bus
Once there there are tons of trip just depends on which hostel you stay in For up to date backpacker recommendation have a search on
Re: re Backpacker australia, package deals west coast &

Hi Bleary,

By closing off the duplicated threads I'm merely trying to keep the following to a minimum:

1. Moderator work - I personally spent 3 full days over Christmas clearing out duplicated threads (mainly in this forum) and reposting them to the relevant key post.

2. As everyone is in agreement that the search facility on ezBoard is not satisfactory is saves people having to search down page by page (possibly 20) to find relevant duplicated subjects.

3. IMHO all items be they backpacking or whatever should be kept to the key threads.
Re: re Backpacker australia, package deals west coast &

The work that moderators do is appreciated by me and i really did not want to draw that in to question + did not want to cause any offence
I just thought key posts should usually be more generic FAQs . I didn't think that it was the place for a specific question and answer .Anywhoo agreee totally on duplicated threads and driven mad by seeing can you recommend a hotel in paris threads etc but this was one i had not seen bfore
