Rats getting in through broken pipes


Registered User
We built a new house two years ago however, recently we have had a blocked drain at the side of the house. The drain was blocked with cavity wall type insulation and some stones etc. Had the guy round who laid the drains who reckoned the manhole covers were left open whilst 'fill' was being put on driveway etc. Anyway back from hols a couple of weeks ago to hear on first night lots of scurrying above our heads in the attic. Assumed it was mice, however it turned out to be a rat. Investigation using CCTV in drain showed that a plastic drainpipe was badly broken underneath the cavity and our 'friend' was coming in through this route.

Blocked up pipe with wood. After no joy from 5 traps we turned to pest control. They laid down poison and we waited. They also told us that we should unblock the drain. As we unblocked we noticed the wood had been frantically gnawed (not nice!). Anyway we reckoned we got our man but we left the drain unblocked to help his escape so he wouldn't die in the house.

Yesterday we heard the scurrying and scraping again in the attic so it appears we have another 'lodger'. Have more poison down for this guy but question is what is best option for blocking drain as we have now had a second intruder? The pipe that's broken is not being used (We inserted the drain in case we wanted to add a new ensuite to a downstairs room in the future), so we could block it up (semi-) permanently. I've heard steel wool will deter the invaders and this coupled with concrete should prevent entry. However I'm worried about dampness getting up through the cavity and clearly I've lost a fair bit of the bonded bead insulation also. As the pipe runs under the house it can't really be easily replaced.

Sorry for being so long-winded but any suggestions on a solution that will stop the rats entering and prevent dampness ingress would be most welcome.


How did u get on with this issue ? I’m having a similar problem now with drains in my garden :/