RAS Tenant

Bernie 1

Registered User
Hi Everybody,

I've a an apartment let out in a good area on the Northside of the city. Its a RAS rental and have an absolute model tenant for past eleven years. For this time I've never increased the rent (wife thinks I'm mad) and have carried out substantial improvents on the property.

Contract is up for renewal soon and RAS (without asking) have made me an improved offer for a further four year contract and are anxious to close. I know I can get approx €300 more a month on the open market but I know the tenant would have to leave and I really like him and want him to stay. Taking into consideration the current market and the improvements I've made to the property, I think that the offer by RAS falls short of the mark.

I'd be happy if they made me a small improved offer but don't know how the system works. Just wondering if its standard procedure for RAS to make a take it or leave it one offer only or do they expect a request for an improved offer? Do they have latitude to negotiate a request for rent increase? I'm not motivated by money but feel I've been very fair over the years etc.

Would really appreciate feedback from anybody who has experience as I'm not familiar with this precedure.

Thank You

Yes you can most definitely request a better offer from RAS. Well I did with SDCC, Play hard ball.
I gather from the above post you have your property in excess of a decade. While I do not have details on your financial situation I might assume that you are paying tax on your rental income at the higher rate. If this is the case 300euro might net you 150 euro.
A good tenant in my opinion is worth their weight in gold. Tread careful, dont be mean common sense. Best of luck. D

Hi D,
Thanks a million for taking time out to reply to my post.Yes,think that's sound advice you've given me and a bird in the hand etc.I genuinely appreciate your advice.

Thank's Again,
RAS can offer 92% of the open market rent for a 4 year contract as far as I am aware.

From [broken link removed]

How will rent levels be determined?
Rent levels will reflect local market conditions but must show an 8% reduction on current market rents applicable at time of contract signing.
RAS can offer 92% of the open market rent for a 4 year contract as far as I am aware.

From [broken link removed]

Dont think Paid is too far of the mark. SDCC offer 90% of the going rate on the RAS scheme and 80% on the long term rental scheme where you are not responsible for maintenance etc.
Go onto Daft check out rents and challenge RAS if they are not paying the 90%--92% of going rate.