Key Post Raisin is useless when things go wrong


Registered User
I was in contact with Raisin after their 2 day IT disaster at the end of June and made a formal complaint on a number of points including the apparent issue with their phone support (recorded message advising that they were busy and to leave a message, with call being disconnected and no message recording facility). Their response on all points was one of those classic customer services missives (we do understand... we do apologise... we regret.... we empathise... we care............. oh and we are actually responsible for nothing, sorry, so please go away, unlesss there is anything else we can do for you today).

Specifically in relation to the phone issue, the response was a long piece detailing the operation of their e-mail support offering, providing me with the email address and emphasising that e-mail was their support methodology. They completely ignored the phone issue I raised. I pursued this and got the same response a second time. This was followed, at my insistence, by a phone conversation with "a manager" in which we went around in circles, me asking about phone support, and the manager emphasising "but I would like to explain you that the support we offer is by email alone" etc. When I checked later that day, all references to phone support and the phone number had been removed from the website. So on that point, I would suggest you forget about calling that number - because Raisin have definitely forgotten it's existence and given up answering it.

In relation to the other issues I raised, (the non availability of their platform for 48 hours and consequent denial of access to my account for the same period, the non-response to my e-mails regarding the system being down, their failure to issue a notice either on their website or social media about the system being down with updates and an estimate of the recovery time etc) they were equally evasive. I pursued them and requested a formal response to my complaint so that I could, if I chose, pursue the matter with Bafin and the CBI. Their formal response was terribly poor and very basic, and they made me laugh when they offered €25 by way of compensation for inconvenience. I haven't taken this further because there are only so many hours in the day and because I prefer to go hillwalking rather expending my precious retirement hours and energy taking on sub-standard fifth rate financial service outfits. I've had similar experiences when dealing with Bunq and even more frustrating experiences with Advanzia.

My conclusions in relation to Raisin, and the rest of this ragbag of offerings (advanzia, bunq, bmw, etc) is that you can get lucky and things can work out, but heaven help you if anything goes wrong and you have to interact with them. They make AIB, BOI, PTSB, your local credit union and state savings look positively professional and caring, and that takes some doing. I have six figure sums with both raisin and bunq and I don't worry too much about my capital by dint of the DGS but I am resigned to the possibility that when I go to retrieve this money I could face weeks or more of a delay while I deal with their administrative and procedural inadequacies.

Im taking the time to detail this because I think it is important that people who glibly point to these outfits as a panacea to the poor deposit rates being paying in the Irish market understand just what it is they are recommending. They are most certainly not a panacea, and they are certainly not for the faint hearted or the masses. Use them if you will for money that you can afford to be without for a period of time, and have realistic expectations about what you are taking on when you deal with them. If you are a worrier or have money that you need available quickly look elsewhere.
I think your post is fair Freelance. The only thing is - maybe the title could be improved a bit for clarity? Something like "Raisin/Bunq/Advanzia/etc. have useless customer service when things go wrong" (and I know you didn't create the thread/key post so don't know if you can/want to change the title). My feeling is that they do (eventually) sort out issues but any customer sure as hell better not be in a hurry to get the issues sorted out.
@Sue Ellen That’s where I posted it Sue Ellen. Somebody moved it into its own thread ??

Ah, wasn't aware of that but it was a good idea to do so as people need to be aware of this type of lack of customer service. Being a key post it gets the attention it deserves rather than being buried in another thread. It also takes the other thread off topic.

I think the title is best left as is.
I think your post is fair Freelance. The only thing is - maybe the title could be improved a bit for clarity? Something like "Raisin/Bunq/Advanzia/etc. have useless customer service when things go wrong" (and I know you didn't create the thread/key post so don't know if you can/want to change the title). My feeling is that they do (eventually) sort out issues but any customer sure as hell better not be in a hurry to get the issues sorted out.
I've had some issues that Bunq resolved quickly and they were great to deal with. Fat better than the useless shenanigans I've had from AIB and PTSB.

I'm not sure how a bad experience with one company can be used as proof that another company provides bad customer service.
I've had some issues that Bunq resolved quickly and they were great to deal with. Fat better than the useless shenanigans I've had from AIB and PTSB.

I'm not sure how a bad experience with one company can be used as proof that another company provides bad customer service.
Ok but the original post here mentions an even worse experience with Advanzia, and similar with Bunq. I think the comments are valid but don't just apply to Raisin, which is why I suggested a slight change to the title.
What is the problem with using email and chat functions to make an enquiry or complaint ?

I had one issue with Raisin which was dealt with efficiently by email.

I had complicated issues with Revolut which were caused by me having two Revolut accounts. These issues were efficiently sorted by chat. There is no time wasting in the chat process as the chat continues whenever either party posts extra information. No hanging on the line for a phone reply !

Using the telephone for requesting information or complaining is last millennium technology.

I have used Raisin for several years and they have provided excellent service.
I'm not sure how a bad experience with one company can be used as proof that another company provides bad customer service.
I made no such claim. My original post was in a thread about Raisin. It would have been off topic for me to go into detail re Advanzia, BUNQ or any other buinness. My post was moved to a standalone thread, I had no control over that. Had I started a thread about the inadequacies of these FinTech Deposit Takers generally, my original post would have been written very differently and I could and would have detailed my experiences with BUNQ and Advanzia.

@Concrete suggested that this thread be widened to include the other Fintech Deposit Takers and this makes sense, as it is high time the shortcomings, deficiencies and difficulties that can be encountered when dealing with these businesses are cataloged and publicised. Unfortunately the mod who reviewed this request decided otherwise.

The Fintech Deposit Takers have their strengths and advantages, that goes without saying. I have substantial sums with two of them at present and will likely deposit more with them shortly. But there are also some significant cons, support probably being top of the list.
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What is the problem with using email and chat functions to make an enquiry or complaint ?
I have no issue using e-mail or web chat for support, if they operate correctly. In my experience, Raisin's operation of bother of these is woefully inadequate.

Webchat - Raisin's implementation is one of the worst I have ever come across. It is nothing more than a bot, and a very very basic one at that. There appears to be little by way of AI or logic behind it. It appears to simply focus on one work in your question and spew out a lis of weblinks. And then it stops. You can keep trying but it never gets beyond this. There is no escalation or "upward" referral process, and there is no capability to switch to dealing with a human. I have tried it a few times and would honestly say it is 100% useless.

e-mail - I have used e-mail support on many occasions over the years with many businesses, with great success. Not so in the case of Raisin. Their turn around time for responding is 48 hours, and rather than engaging they appear to cut and paste responses. e-mail support works best when the query is in the form of a "how do I" or "I can't find this feature" type of issue. It is not well suited to "my €10,000 transfer to Raisin has gone missing" and certainly not if it operates on a 48 hour response.

Horses for courses. All for WebChat and Bots, and for e-mail support, but in a field such as banking there needs to be more, and certainly being able to escalate to a human at some point is a requirement in my book.
I have used Raisin for several years and they have provided excellent service.
This isn't really the point.

Most processes in most organisations work most of the time. That's to be expected. It's the way that you are dealt with when things go wrong that is the true measure of support. And my experience of the support provided by the the Fin Tech Deposit Takers to date is that it is woefully inadequate and not fit for purpose in a retail banking operation.