Rabbits destroying garden


Registered User
We recently moved into a house with a nice big garden, however we back onto a Heath and unfortunately we get plenty of rabbits/hares. We now have 2 substantial rabbit holes in the garden, a couple of kids have lost their shoe down them. Other parts of the garden appear sunken, I'm assuming there's a warren underneath.

Had anyone any thoughts on how to get rid of them? I had picked out an area to grow veg but no chance of that with these guys around. We do get the odd fox passing through but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

I make sure to plug the holes with a ball when we have friends kids over as I'm afraid of someone doing damage to themselves.
Get someone who handles ferrets to chase them out. Basically they chase them out and catch them in nets they have over the holes.

Websites like IrishFowl.com or IrishHunting or possibly even Boards.ie might help you make contact with someone in your area.

Unfortunitely, once rabbits establish a pressence, they will just multiply and keep digging so the problem will only get worse, until they are removed.
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Ultrasonic deterrent may be a cheap option: [broken link removed]
Get a cat... our 6 month old is already catching a few small rabbits and mice as well
Ultrasonic devices have very little evidence to back up their effectiveness, with most independent studies showing pests get used to them when they realise they're harmless. Also ultrasonic sound isn't going to travel far underground.
Shaking, Sorry to hear about your bugs bunny problems. I own a 12 gauge and .22 vanguard.
If I am passing by you supply the tea and buns and there will be no more bunnies.