Quinn Life freeway funds


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I rang Irish Life and was told that I am charged 1.0% for the Euro QLD fund and 1.2% for North American QLD funds annually. . I am currently looking for index tracking funds thinking that I will switch the 2 QLD funds to the new ones, and also increase my monthly contribution. But looking at the charges above, shouldn't I stay put and possibly increase the amounts invested?
Zurich Life charges a higher percentage. Also, index tracking funds at Irish Life charges 1.5%. The only thing that makes me unsure is the guy on the phone does not have any details of the QLD funds. He told me to google them for more info.

Those funds are expensive and any gains will be heavily taxed.

Do you have any room to increase (tax deferred) pension contributions?

Are you carrying any debt (credit card, mortgage, etc) and, if so, at what interest rate?
I am looking for an index tracking fund. Pension, debt, etc are sorted. And not too keen on etf's at the moment. Thanks.
Grand so.

As far as I know, the QLD Freeway Funds are index trackers. If that is correct, your question is really whether you should stick with expensive index funds or switch to similar but even more expensive index funds.

I wouldn't invest in either to be honest.
Well, it's very difficult to make any recommendation without having any understanding of your overall financial position, your investment horizon, etc.

However, one strategy that you might consider is increasing the equity allocation within your pension fund (which could be made up of index funds) and then using your after-tax savings to buy (tax free) 5-year State Savings Certs.

It's important to look at your financial position as a whole - across all accounts.
Should have mentioned. I don't wish for it to be for the pension, just long term savings.
Understood Pieface but your pension fund also constitutes long-term savings.

My point is that you shouldn't just consider one account (mortgage, savings, pension) in isolation - it's your overall financial position across all accounts that ultimately matters.