Question relating to AVCs


Registered User
Im a Second level teacher. I can retire at 55 with whatever service I have [35yrs - 33 yrs actual service]. I have an AVC fund and am purchasing notional service [2 yrs] to give me full pension at 60.

Could I job share from 55 to 60 and use my AVC fund to make up the 2.5 years service I would lose because of the job sharing?

Hope someone understands my question!
Re: Question relatint to AVCs

Yes, you could.

It would be worth checking whether you still have the option of going at 55 and taking a reduced notional service entitlement on the basis of not completing the contributions to age 60. I'm pretty sure you can.
Yes I do have the option of taking reduced notion service years at 55. Already confirmed by the Dept pension's section. I think I can purchase the balance contracted for using my AVC monies and get that at 55 too, though this has not been confirmed. Perhaps you might know something about this? Thanks a million for your reply