Question about filling form 11 online


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I am a PAYE employee, filling form 12 online to declare my earnings and claim tax credits as a full time employee. I read that I need to fill form 11 to declare my capital gains from shares . My question is website says : Individuals registered for PAYE or LPT only should use myAccount, so how am I supposed to fill 11 online if I am registered for PAYE? I couldn't find the proper field for declaring gains from trading of shares. Plus paper form 11 has a field to notify of the assets you get in financial year, like notifying revenue with which ETFs you buy. How can I do that via online?

I am just trying to read and learn stuff, so far I don't have any trading gains or loss, and I am aware this website doesn't offer professional service.

Thank you
There is the possibility to enter CGT return on myAccount and I think you can also enter a Form 12
I would register for Ros. Its very simple to use and its calculates your tax due, straight away in advance. I'm PAYE and use it for dividends and cgt.
If you're just a PAYE employee, you have to complete a paper CG1 form to declare capital gains.
Is still the case, i.e. there's no online CG1, or equivalent way to submit a CGT return if you only use Revenue's myAccount?
Just download a pdf CG1 for the relevant year, fill it on your device and reupload as an attachment in a MyEnquiry.
thanks, I was hoping things had improved!

You'd imagine Revenue would have jumped on this already, it would save both taxpayers and their employees effort after all - you can already do the equivalent of a Form 11 online using myAccount. The paper Form 11 includes CGT fields as far as I recall, so adding these to myAccount would seem like a no brainer - less paper, less hassle, less time.
I'm sure it's in the pipeline somewhere because it's a no brained alright, however with the introduction of so many new COVID/Cost of living programs over the last number of years where Revenue were the collection/payment agent; I'd say that's probably impacted delivery schedules.

On a similar note. I have to fill in a form 11 and want to declare capital gains for shares I sold in December 2022, well below the 1270 allowance . Am I correct in saying because I did not exceed the threshold (in fact overall I made a loss) I do not need to send in a cg1 form and just need to declare these on my form 11? Because no payment is due?
Anyone completing a form 11 doesn't complete a separate form CG1 regardless of loss or gains. The CG1 is incorporated into the form 11. A CG1 is for PAYE individuals in the main.
I need to declare profit from sale of shares via an ESPP. Can anybody tell me which category it goes under in ROS?

I need to declare profit from sale of shares via an ESPP. Can anybody tell me which category it goes under in ROS?

View attachment 7521
If you acquired ESPP shares at a discount to the market value then the difference is assessable for income tax (and USC/PRSI).
If you sell them at that point then there is no other tax liability.
If you hold them and sell them later at a higher price then the gain is assessable for CGT.

Are you sure that your employer isn't already dealing with the income tax etc. liability via payroll and at the broker end?

You need to clarify the sequence of events in terms of acquiring and disposing of these shares in order to know what sort of tax(es) are relevant here.
Yes my employer is dealing with the income tax liability. I need to declare the profit/loss after selling the shares and was wondering where to declare that?
Yes my employer is dealing with the income tax liability. I need to declare the profit/loss after selling the shares and was wondering where to declare that?
If you sold them immediately on acquisition then there is no further tax, in particular CGT, liability.
Did you hold onto them and sell them later on at a capital gain with respect to the market price at the time that you acquired the ESPP shares?
If you have a CGT liability then you need to see here about filing and paying procedures.
The screenshot that you posted relates to "non PAYE income" but you're referring to a capital gain here.
As far as I recall you cannot do a CGT filing via myAccount - you may be able to make the actual tax payment though.
Yep that says I can declare online, but I do not know under which category in the screenshot above I should list it.
There was a small price change on both occasions so I will nee to declare.
Yep that says I can declare online, but I do not know under which category in the screenshot above I should list it.
There was a small price change on both occasions so I will nee to declare.
As I said, my recollection/undestanding is that you cannot file a CGT return via myAccount.
And you definitely don't file CGT as a type of income.
You need to do it as per the link that I posted.
Thanks, I posted my reply after your message edit above. Thanks for the info, much appreciated.