Query re Copyrights of Cartoon Characters


Registered User
We have identified a number of cartoon characters(Winnie the pooh, Noddy and Bob the Builder) which we have downloaded from popular web sites and we want to use these in a mural on an outside wall of our creche.

What is the correct procedure to follow in order to legally use these characters on the building?
I have an article on my website dealing with copyright which you might find useful.

However you can ring the patents office(www.patentsoffice.ie) and enquire about this particular proposal of yours as the copyright will reside with artists outside the state but the patents office should be able to advise you of any problem with your proposal.

Interestingly there is no register of copyright in Ireland;I am not sure about the UK or internationally but normally you can reproduce copyright work with the permission of the author or under licence.

But a phone call to the patents office should sort you out.
Hi Elgransenor,

Thank you the above information, which has given us focus and direction with regard to following correct procedures and best practice. We contacted the Patents Office as directed who have confirmed that the copyright lasts 20 years after the death of the owner. They are to get back to us with more specific information regarding our query.