Query on Quinn life freeway funds


Registered User
I invested in the Quinn life freeway funds in January 2005. I deposited 50% of my lump sum in the Celtic freeway and 50% in the Euro freeway. My overall investment is down by 7 to 8 % since I invested, mostly due to the massive hit the ISEQ has taken since last June. However I am not unduly worried and I'm certainly not panicking as I initally intended to leave the money there for approximately 10 years anyway. My question is, seeing as I intend to leave the money in there for another 7 years should I diversify a bit more? I'm especially thinking of China and other emerging markets. I don't want to invest in the US as I am already heavily invested in that country through shares I have with the company I work for. I participate in special share schemes which are tax efficient ( my bonuses if converted to shares and left for 3 years come out income tax free so I am essentially getting the shares at a 41% discount).

Thanks in advance!!
Rather than looking at QL funds as a way to invest in specific markets you could look at the different asset classes these funds reflect, i.e. euro-denominated equities (Celtic, Euro freeways); developed market equities non-euro (UK, US, Japan, Nasdaq, Biotech freeways); emerging market equities (China, Latin America, Emerging Markets freeways); and euro-denominated government debt (Bond freeway). So you could decide how you would allocate your cash over these asset classes, i.e. what percentage of your capital in each asset class. Then decide on what funds to support your asset allocation (and in what proportions when multiple funds support a single asset class). You should note that there are other asset classes (e.g. property; commodities; foreign government debt, etc.) that you cannot invest in via QL products, but you can do so via ETFs and, e.g. some of the Eagle Star funds (and probably through other providers as well). So you may wish to consider these before making any final decisions.