Query about Joint Mortgage/ One party not able to contribute



Hi, I would welcome any advice on where to begin with this issue( ie go to Bank or Solicitor) I purchased my first home in 2006. A friend came in as an investor and we are 50/50 joint owners. I became the owner occupier and rented out one room. I covered 2 thirds of the mortgage and my friend covered the remainder. This was to be a long term investment for her and a starter home for me. We never had a legal agreement as to who would pay what, it was a verbal agreement. The property is now in negative equity of approx 40k. She is heavily invested in many other properties and is subsequently on the verge of bankruptcy. I need to know where to go from here. I have since met my partner and we cover the mortgage and all related costs together. She has not been in a position to contribute for more than a year and is unlikely to be in the future. Any suggestions/tips/advise would be much appreciated!